3 Moves for a Killer Calisthenics Leg Workout

3 Moves for a Killer Calisthenics Leg Workout!

You really don’t need much to get a great calisthenics workout.

Today we are going to focus on getting your legs on fire with calisthenics.

All you need is two resistance bands: a thin one and a slightly thicker one. 

1. Overhead squats

- How to do it:

  • Use the thicker band for this exercise.
  • Place the band under your feet and extend the band over your head as if you were holding a barbel.
  • Keep you pelvis tilted in, straight back and keep your hands up both on the way down and up.
  • Go slow on the down, fast on the way up!

- How to adjust difficulty:

  • You can use a thicker or thinner band to add or reduce the difficulty depending on your level.
  • Repeat 10+ reps x 3-5 sets.

Watch the video here.

2. Deadlifts

- How to do it:

  • Step on the band and grab each end.
  • Go slow on the way down, fast on the way up!
  • Keep your back straight on the way down.
  • Do not over reach forward with your hips when coming back up straight.
  • Control each portion of the movement. 

- How to adjust difficulty:

  • You can adjust the weight/resistance of the band by stepping a bit wider and making the band shorter.
  • You can also grab the ends a bit further up or down to add or release tension depending on your level.
  • Lastly you can use a thicker or thinner band to add or reduce the difficulty.
  • Go for 10-15 reps x 3-5 sets

Watch the video here. 

3. Hip flexor curls

- How to do it:

  • Lay down on your back and loop the light band around your feet.
  • Keep one leg extended and bring your opposite knee to your chest.

- How to adjust difficulty:

  • Hold each last rep for 3-5 seconds.
  • Go for 10-15 reps per leg x 3-5 sets.

Watch the video here.

Legs are tremendously important for your fitness and health so work them at least 3 times a week!


PS: Join OnlineCalisthenics here if you are new!


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