Beat the Clock: Quick & Effective Calisthenics Workouts

Beat the Clock: Quick & Effective Calisthenics Workouts

The struggle is real – "I don't have time to workout!"

We've all heard it, maybe even said it ourselves.

But here's the secret: time isn't the enemy, it's how we manage it. We are in charge of our bodies and actively create our schedules, not passively drift through time.

Sure, life can be hectic, but those 10 minutes scrolling through social media could be a quick mobility routine or a few sets of calisthenics exercises. The key is to prioritize daily movement, a cornerstone of healthy habits that keeps you feeling young and energized.

And here's where calisthenics steps in as your key to the "fountain of youth."

This efficient training method relies on building strength, endurance, and speed – all in one.

Enter the magic of "supersets," where you combine strength exercises with minimal rest for a time-crunched but effective workout. Think of it as strength training meets mini-circuit training.

The Busy Days...

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Age is Just a Number: Why You Can Crush Calisthenics Goals After 40


Age is Just a Number: Why You Can Crush Calisthenics Goals After 40

Have you ever dreamed of mastering a muscle-up? Or maybe achieving a handstand?

You might think these calisthenics skills are reserved for the young and the super-fit, but that's simply not true.

The beauty of calisthenics training lies in its accessibility and ability to transform bodies at any age.

Here is my client Salomon who is turning 45 years old in two weeks. It took him 6 months to learn the muscle up with the Online Calisthenics Program. We have then been working on getting the movement cleaner and cleaner for the last year.

And these are his cleanest muscle ups so far!

Remember that muscle ups are a complex movement and require solid overall strength AND mobility to be performed with proper form.

This article is your inspiration to ditch the age-related excuses and dive headfirst into the world of calisthenics.

We'll explore why calisthenics training is perfect for beginners and experienced exercisers...

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What Is The Best Body Fat Percentage?

What Is The Best Body Fat Percentage?

Did you ever ask yourself that question? I have!

The pursuit of a shredded physique often leads to a singular focus: body fat percentage.

Social media bombards us with images of incredibly lean individuals, raising the question – what's the magic number for achieving that look?

The reality, however, is far more nuanced.

Today let’s explore the concept of body fat percentage, debunks common myths, and demonstrates how calisthenics training can be a powerful tool for achieving a healthy and sustainable body composition.

Moving Beyond the Single Number: Embracing Body Fat Brackets

Chasing a specific body fat percentage as the ultimate goal is a common misconception. A more effective approach is targeting a healthy body fat bracket that considers your sex, age, and overall health.

Here's a breakdown:

  • Men: Aim for a range between 10-15% body fat. This zone balances aesthetics with optimal athletic performance and well-being.
  • Women: A...
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How Calisthenics Changes Your Body!

How calisthenics changes your body!

Discover Your Inner Strength!

Ever dream of a sculpted physique?

Imagine chiseled abs, rippling muscles, and the agility of a gymnast – all achieved without stepping foot in a gym.

Sounds impossible?

Think again!

Calisthenics training, harnessing your own bodyweight as resistance, unlocks this potential and redefines fitness on your terms.

Let’s dive deep into how calisthenics revolutionizes your body, both inside and out.

Building a Better You: The Strength Revolution
Forget bulky weights and intimidating machines. Calisthenics uses compound exercises, engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Pull-ups sculpt back and biceps, while push-ups build chest, shoulders, and triceps. Dips target triceps and chest, while squats and lunges strengthen powerful legs. This holistic approach builds functional strength, translating into everyday activities with ease. Lifting groceries? No sweat. Climbing stairs? A breeze.

Don't Forget the Power...

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How To Grow Your Brain!


How To Grow Your Brain!

Have you ever wonder where will power comes from?

The Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex is a fancy name to describe a part of the brain that have been newly studied.

This could be an answer and one of the most fascinating news of the year.

New research shows that when people do something that they DON'T WANT TO DO, then that brain area gets bigger.

This applies to anything, not just fitness.

For example, that part of the brain is shown to be smaller in obese people. It then gets bigger when they diet.

That part of the cortex is also larger in people such as athletes and normal people who see themselves challenged and then overcome that challenge.

Last but not least, in people that live a very long time, that brain area keeps its size and does not shrink with time.

In a nutshell, scientists are starting to think of that part of the brain as the source of will power and maybe even the source of the will to live!

The key take out here is that doing things you don't...

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The Simple Recipe for Success in 2024

The Simple Recipe for Success

There are a few secrets that successful people use to live a healthy and wealthy life, despite the ups and downs, no matter what day it is!

Here are my 3 secrets to keep growing and progressing in 2024!

1. Progressively get rid of bad habits

That means, identifying and being aware of your own flaws, then pro-actively finding and implementing solutions to change them overtime.

For example:

  • If you are overeating at night, you can simply re-arrange your schedule around food during the day. That means eating a bigger and more nutritious breakfast, and eating dinner around 6-7pm. It's also important to prioritize fruits (apples, pineapple, berries) for late snacks.
  • If you train regularly and are not seeing muscle gains, make sure your training routine is adapted to your goals and focus on getting enough calories and protein through the day.
  • If you have bad posture or chronic pain, start doing 3-5 minutes of mobility work daily.   

2. Create or be...

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Stop Chasing Motivation (and what to do instead)

mindset Nov 22, 2023

Motivation is the most overrated thing in fitness.

Fake fitness gurus try to push that notion to fitness beginners, when it comes to training.

The problem is: IT DOES NOT WORK.

Motivation is short term. It’s a quick fix for dopamine release to feel good and positive about something for a short period to time.

If you are trying to lose fat for example, you might get motivated because you have a date, a wedding or a beach holiday coming up. But again, these reasons will fade away very quick. And you likely won’t have lasting results.

So instead of looking for perpetual motivation, I recommend you start looking for INSPIRATION instead.

These two words may seem similar but they are very different.

I see inspiration as the long fix for anything. Inspiration is LONG TERM. 

When we are kids, we are inspired by people! Kids want to be astronauts, musicians , or firefighters! These are long term goals that inspire them.

So next time you don’t feel motivated, look for...

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From Calisthenics Beginner To Advanced in 2.5 years!

mindset Oct 27, 2023

From Calisthenics Beginner To Advanced in 2.5 years!

I had the pleasure to chat with Antal last week.

He is a great example of the results you get when you follow the right program and method, with consistency.

We talked about how using the Online Calisthenics coaching program changed his life since 2021.

You can watch his workout transformation here.

He went from a complete calisthenics beginner to being able to achieve the muscle up and more.

Within 2.5 years!

In our interview, we talked about his favorite moves, the healthy foods he prioritizes and other practical habits that he now implements in his life to keep progressing.

He also shared some of his future goals and advices for those who want to get started like him!

Watch the full interview here!

Get all my calisthenics programs and personal online calisthenics coaching here!


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How To Be Motivated On A Monday?

mindset Oct 16, 2023

How To Be Motivated On A Monday?

The answer is simple: you don't need motivation!

While motivation is the golden ticket that everyone is looking for, the hard truth is that it does not exist.

So you can keep searching, but you are wasting your time.

Instead, look for inspiration!

This can come from anywhere: watching your favorite athlete train or play a game, observing animals and insects move with perfection, learning more about your favorite sport or workout system etc...

Pro athletes don't need motivation, healthy and fit people neither.

Their common treat is discipline. And ANYONE can build up to it.

Neuroscience shows that discipline creates motivation, not the other way around.

"Doing the thing" (discipline) will always beat "thinking about the thing" (motivation).

If you are brushing your teeth every day, it means you can build the habit of working out every day.

If you are a beginner, start at your own level, where you make every minute of your workout count and push a...

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How To Deal With Low Energy Days

mindset workout tips Oct 12, 2023

How To Deal With Low Energy Days

Those days come in cycle. Here is another tip I use when that happens.

I believe we create our own energy, and that it’s up to us to make the best of what we have.

The way I deal with lower energy days is by reducing the overall amount of reps I do during a workout, and focus on intensity exclusively.

I mean that I try to not let my "low energy feeling" days keep away from doing some type of explosive work along the way.

I'll reduce the volume and pair it with some lighter work.

In this last muscle up set I did, I did not have the gas for more that 3 proper reps.

So I focused on what I was able to do. I added straight bar dips reps and partial pulling reps as well as isometric holds to make the set as demanding as possible.

To recap here is a set you can repeat 3-10 times:

  • 3 Muscle ups
  • 5 Bar Dips
  • 3 Partial Pull Flies
  • 5 Second Deadhang

You can also mix this superset with other supersets. This method applies to any movement or set.


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