You Can’t Do It... YET


You Can’t Do It... YET

That one little word changes everything.

Meet Salomon. Less than two years ago, he started his calisthenics journey. At the time, a single muscle-up felt impossible. He couldn’t do one. Not yet.

Fast forward six months of focused effort: breaking the movement into four key sections (Take-Off, Pull-Up, Transition, Dips).

Bit by bit, Salomon mastered each part, and finally, his first muscle-up came to life.

Yesterday, after relentless consistency and refinement, Salomon crushed a new personal record: 12 muscle-ups in a row.

What’s more impressive?

He’s a busy lawyer splitting time between LA and New York, balancing high-pressure responsibilities with the demands of his training.

No excuses, no shortcuts, just focused work.

So, What’s the Secret?

Whether it’s a fitness milestone or a life goal, daunting challenges often feel paralyzing. We’ve all been there, staring at a mountain, unsure where to begin.

The answer is...

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Unlock Your First Muscle Up: Essential Calisthenics Course for Success


Unlock Your First Muscle Up: Essential Calisthenics Course for Success

The muscle up is one of the most iconic movements in calisthenics and has put calisthenics on the fitness map.

Despite being very hard to achieve, it has become mainstream on social media, and everyone wants to do it!

Think about it: how many of your friends and family can do a muscle up?

The secret is to break down the movement into different sections and train them until you feel comfortable with each part.

In this blog post, I’ll break down how to master the muscle up with a detailed calisthenics workout plan and tips from my calisthenics course.

Understanding the Muscle Up

The secret to mastering the muscle up is breaking down the movement into different sections and training them until you feel confident with each move. Let’s dive into the phases of the muscle up and the specific exercises to help you conquer each phase.

1. The Take-Off Phase

The muscle up pull is a “circular pulling...

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6 Months Calisthenics Muscle Up Progression

muscle up upper body Nov 03, 2023

Step by step 6 Months Calisthenics Muscle Up Progression!

  • Have you tried to do a muscle up before but can't really do it?
  • Are you working on getting your first proper muscle up?
  • Do you have the muscle up as a goal in the future?

If the answer is yes to some or all of the above, this video will show you the step by step actions to take in order to get what you want:

  • Start practicing with a lower bar
  • Jump on the bar and do negative repetitions if needed
  • Use a good false grip on every repetition
  • Train a lot of single bar dips and pull ups
  • Transition to a higher bar when comfortable on the lower bar
  • Use bands to practice
  • Improve form and volume overtime

Get all my calisthenics training programs and 1-1 online calisthenics coaching here!

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Back To Back Calisthenics Muscle Up Success

Back To Back Muscle Ups! Calisthenics Success!

Last week I shared Olivier's first muscle up.

This is the movement that changes everything once you are able to do it.

This week Nick also achieved his first muscle up, but also got a second one in a row, then attempted a third one!

That makes it his first muscle up set ever.

The major keys of that success are method and consistency.

I'm really proud to see everyone I coach being consistent with their workout journey and making progress.

Click here to watch Nick's first muscle up set ever!


If you are new, join the movement here!


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How To Get Your First Muscle Up

How To Get Your First Muscle Up!

The muscle up is one of the most iconic calisthenics movement, and put calisthenics on the fitness map.

Despite being very hard to achieve, it became somehow mainstream on social media and everyone wants to do it!

The secret is to break down the movement into different sections, and train them until you feel good with each move:

  1. Start with the "take off" phase: practice lat pull downs, tuck levers, front lever raises
  2. The pulling phase: practice lots of explosive pull ups (sets of 15+)
  3. The transition phase from pulling to pushing: practice mid range hangs and short range pull ups
  4. The pushing phase: practice single bar dips (sets of 15+)
  5. Muscle up with bands: put everything together with a resistance, train until you "feel the movement" and get better at it, then start trying without the bands.

These are the main ingredients for success.

I put together a complete Muscle Up workout program in the app, so you can schedule...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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