In today’s world, information about fat loss is everywhere.
From "the best workout to burn fat" to "the ultimate fat-loss diet," the internet is flooded with advice, much of which is contradictory or outright misleading. You’ve likely come across claims that you don’t need to do cardio, that it’s bad for your knees, or that simply walking 10,000 steps a day will melt the fat away.
The truth? These advices are bullsh*t.
If you’re serious about losing fat, there’s really only one effective way to do it.
This approach is straightforward and revolves around three key elements: maintaining a daily calorie deficit, boosting your metabolism, and pushing yourself harder in your workouts.
Let’s break down each of these components so you can understand how to incorporate them into your calisthenics workout plan and achieve lasting results.
1. Maintain a Calorie Deficit
The most...
But for many beginners, the initial hurdle isn't just about motivation – it's about overcoming physical limitations, especially in the lower body.
While running itself strengthens your legs over time, having a solid foundation of strength and proper breathing techniques are crucial for pushing beyond those first few laps.
The Power of Strong Legs:
A weak lower body can definitely hinder your running performance. Calisthenics training, utilizing your bodyweight for resistance, offers a convenient and accessible way to build leg strength essential for running. Exercises like squats, lunges, calf raises, and jumping variations can target different muscle groups in your legs, improving overall power and stability.
But Strength Isn't Everything:
Strong legs are a key ingredient, but endurance goes beyond pure muscle. Your ability to...
Do visions of long-distance runs fill you with dread, not excitement?
Well, even if you weren't born with a runner's physique, you can absolutely train yourself to get better at it!
This guide, specifically designed for beginners, will give you a strategic approach to improve your running endurance and unlock sustainable running.
Through dedication and a smart training plan, anyone can develop the ability to run farther and faster.
This article will detail a beginner-friendly protocol that will have you transforming your running skills in no time!
Building Your Base: The Pyramid Protocol
This program utilizes the "pyramid workout" structure, a strategic approach that eases you into running and gradually increases intensity. Imagine the workout as a pyramid shape – you'll start slow and gradually build up your pace before slowing down again.
Here's a breakdown of the pyramid protocol:
I have heard it all:
The good thing is that none of this matters.
You, we, as humans, were designed as the ultimate, most efficient, bi-pedestrian mammal on earth.
Your prime set of motions and skills are: walking, running, climbing, adapting.
Remember that this is coded in your DNA.
Running is part of you.
Wether you like it or not!
Running is first thing kids do the second they can! They want to run around. You most likely wanted to run around too, and someday you stopped!
And I am writing this article for you to change that! Or if you are already running to congratulate you!
If you don’t want to end up in a wheelchair like Kevin Heart, use this simple drill before you go for a sprint!
My favorite drill to warm up for sprints is leg skipping combined with back pedaling.
This combo helps activating the hips, legs, knees and feet along with the hear rate.
Aim to lift your knees high when skipping and bring your heels up when performing the back pedal.
Repeat the sequence in the video for 3-5 sets.
Pair that with 5 minutes of hip and hamstring mobility work to begin your session.
Get ALL my calisthenics training programs and coaching here if you are new!
This is an astonishing number, given that sprinting is one of the most essential human physical skills.
In other words, if you don't want to get old quick, start sprinting regularly (1-2 times per week).
I typically spend 15 minutes warming up (while pro sprinters can take up to 1 hour just to warm up!).
I start with 5 minutes of full body active stretching such as the stranding frog, foot stretches as well as shoulder mobility drills.
Then I move on to 5 minutes of leg skipping. This is a great way to activate my hip flexors and glutes, as well as generate mind-body connection to get good mechanics when running later.
I go for 1 min of skipping and repeat for 5 sets. During the sets I mix skipping with back skipping and back pedaling (as in the video).
Then comes the sprinting session:
It’s usually viewed as an endless running session, on a treadmill that leads to nowhere, getting little to no results at all in the process.
So today I will share my favorite workout, to make sure you burn fat, and build solid strength and speed!
The goal is to get your heart rate up, sweat bullets and exhale a lot of CO2. Hint: combining these 3 things is the ONLY way to burn fat.
So click on each title below to watch the videos!
1/ Let’s start with some agility work with the skaters runs - back pedal combo.
Go for 8-10 steps, and pause for a split second every time you land, then come back to your initial position running backwards at a moderate pace.
Repeat the process for 10 sets.
Rest 30-60 sec between sets.
2/ We’ll continue with some broad precision jumps, for explosive cardio strength and agility.
The goal is to go as far as possible with a clean...
Cardio training is one of those things that everybody has to do, while hating it!
If you haven't guessed yet, I am talking about the famous jump rope double-unders.
This is a jump where you get to skip the rope twice under your feet before touching the ground again. Not only you will burn calories while doing this, but your abs will also get a good workout!
I like to finish my sessions with the jump rope. That allows me to finish strong and get the last calories out for the day.
Aim for anywhere between 10 and 30 reps and go for 10 sets.
It's much faster than it sounds.
If you are not able to do those yet, then practice, and substitute with fast single jumps instead. Do twice as many of those!
Click here to watch my last set from yesterday!
Let's go!
50% Complete
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