My Favorite Cardio Warm Up

cardio Aug 20, 2023

My Favorite Cardio Warm Up.

90% of people NEVER sprint again after 30 years old.

This is an astonishing number, given that sprinting is one of the most essential human physical skills.

In other words, if you don't want to get old quick, start sprinting regularly (1-2 times per week).

I typically spend 15 minutes warming up (while pro sprinters can take up to 1 hour just to warm up!).

I start with 5 minutes of full body active stretching such as the stranding frog, foot stretches as well as shoulder mobility drills.

Then I move on to 5 minutes of leg skipping. This is a great way to activate my hip flexors and glutes, as well as generate mind-body connection to get good mechanics when running later.

I go for 1 min of skipping and repeat for 5 sets. During the sets I mix skipping with back skipping and back pedaling (as in the video).

Then comes the sprinting session:

  • I typically go for 10-15 rounds of 60 yards "Down and backs".
  • I sprint on the way down, back pedal on the way back.
  • The first 3 rounds are warm up rounds at 30-40% capacity. Then I gradually increase speed every 3 rounds to reach 80-90% capacity towards the end of the session.
  • Rest 1-3 minutes between sets.

Sprint to be strong and healthy!

Get ALL my calisthenics training programs and coaching here if you are new!


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