8 Exercises to Boost Speed and Sharpen Your Mind!

8 Exercises to Boost Speed and Sharpen Your Mind!

When it comes to training, there’s one element that’s often overlooked, but it’s critical for real progress: speed.

Without it, all the power in the world is wasted.

Whether you’re doing a calisthenics workout, lifting weights, or playing a sport, the speed at which you move directly impacts your performance and results.

It’s time to understand why speed is essential and how it should be a focus in your calisthenics training.

If you’re serious about improving, then speed is not optional—it’s mandatory.

Power Is Nothing Without Speed

You might think building raw strength and power is the ultimate goal, but without the ability to move quickly, that power won’t translate into real-world performance.

The speed at which you can perform a movement is just as important as the force behind it.

Both need to be at their peak to generate maximum output.

Think of it like this: It’s not...

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Stop Aging Faster Than You Should: 5 Simple Habits to Slow Time Down!

Stop Aging Faster Than You Should: 5 Simple Habits to Slow Time Down!

We all live on the same planet, but we don't all age at the same rate.

The way you take care of your body directly impacts how fast time catches up with you.

Some people age like fine wine, while others start feeling the wear and tear much sooner.

What's the difference?


The Story

At 44, I'm stronger and train harder than I was at 24.

I also don't feel that I aged.

And today, while tackling the UNOG challenge for the second time —completing 1,223 reps without the 7-mile beach run—I overheard a conversation that perfectly illustrates this point.

It was between two men: one who had already crossed the 50-year mark and another who was approaching it.

The older guy, in his mid-50s or early 60s, was reassuring the younger man that "everything’s going to be okay" once he turns 50.

He added, "Your body will slow down, but that’s fine—nobody’s perfect."

Now, let me point out...

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5 Muscles You’re Not Working Enough (And How to Train Them)

5 Muscles You’re Not Working Enough (And How to Train Them)

If you're serious about improving your calisthenics workout and overall performance, you can’t afford to neglect the hidden muscles that play key roles in stability, strength, and mobility.

While most people focus on the obvious muscle groups like the chest, shoulders, and abs, they often forget about critical muscles that support your movements behind the scenes.

Today, I'm going to highlight five often-overlooked muscles that you’re probably not training enough—and more importantly, I’ll tell you exactly how to work them.

Strengthening these muscles will take your training to the next level and help you avoid common injuries.

Let’s get started!

1. Serratus Anterior: The Secret to Upper Body Stability

Why It’s Important

The serratus anterior is a crucial muscle for upper body strength and scapular stability.

If you want to perform better in exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, or...

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How to Build Strong Back Muscles and Fix Imbalances


How to Build Strong Back Muscles and Fix Imbalances.

My One-Arm Pull-Up Journey

The calisthenics journey is all about grit, discipline, and hard work.

I’ve spent countless hours pushing myself to master the moves that seemed impossible at first.

Muscle-ups, front levers, back levers, the human flag, handstands—these are the milestones I worked towards.

I broke through personal limits, completing 25 pull-ups in one set, 100 push-ups in another.

But there is one move that I haven't tackled, one that’s undebatably one of the hardest in calisthenics: the one-arm pull-up.

It wasn’t on my radar until recently.

But I decided it was time to confront this challenge. If you're serious about building a strong back and fixing imbalances, it’s time to add this into your calisthenics workout routine too.

Why the One-Arm Pull-Up?

The one-arm pull-up is a beast of a move. The best thing about it is that it doesn't look anywhere close to how hard it actually is.


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It’s Time to Change Your Lifestyle for Real Results: How to Start Calisthenics!

It’s Time to Change Your Lifestyle for Real Results: How to Start Calisthenics

If you want to lose fat and build muscle, it's time to change how you live.

You can’t keep partying every weekend, running on bad sleep, and expect your body to magically transform.

Progress requires real commitment.

That might mean quieter Saturday nights, but that’s what it takes if you’re serious about reaching your goals.

Most people say they want a healthier life, but very few are willing to make the necessary changes.

If you’re inactive or haven’t worked out regularly, increasing your workout sessions alone won’t cut it. Sure, it’s a good start—but it’s not enough. To really see results, you need to make changes beyond your workout routine.

Here’s what you need to start doing today to see real progress in both fitness and lifestyle. This will not only help you see improvements but will also set you on the right path for the long term....

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Why You Must Sprint: The Ultimate Calisthenics Leg Workout


Why You Must Sprint: The Ultimate Calisthenics Leg Workout

When was the last time you sprinted?

If you have to think about it, that’s a problem. Most people stop sprinting by the time they hit 30. That’s right, 90% of the population leaves sprinting behind as they age, and that’s a number that needs to change.

Why? Because sprinting is the most basic form of fitness.

It’s what our bodies are designed for. Humans are built to run, and not just for short distances. We are endurance machines, capable of running longer than any other mammal on the planet.

If you’re not sprinting, you’re neglecting a fundamental aspect of your fitness.

It's time to get started.

The Importance of Sprinting in a Calisthenics Leg Workout

For those serious about fitness, incorporating a calisthenics leg workout that includes sprinting is non-negotiable. A well-rounded calisthenics course doesn’t just focus on upper body strength and core stability.

Your legs need...

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How to Start Calisthenics: A Family Approach


How to Start Calisthenics: A Family Approach

When you're thinking about how to start calisthenics, one of the most effective ways to stay consistent is by training with friends and family.

Calisthenics doesn’t require a lot of equipment and can be done almost anywhere, but the real difference comes when you bring others into the process.

Sharing the experience with your loved ones doesn’t just make workouts more enjoyable—it helps you stay motivated and build habits that last.

Why Group Training Works

If you want to know how to stick with your calisthenics routine long-term, the answer could be simple: don’t do it alone.

While training on your own is fine, adding at least one or two sessions a week with family or friends can keep you on track.

Seeing someone else complete a tough workout can be motivating, and soon enough, you’ll want to push yourself too.

There’s also an element of friendly competition. If your sibling nails a pull-up before you...

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Why Height Matters in Calisthenics But Don’t Let It Stop You

Why Height Matters in Calisthenics But Don’t Let It Stop You!

Calisthenics is often seen as a sport where anyone can succeed if they put in the work.

And, yes, that’s true. But here’s the thing—there are some physical factors that can make your journey a little more challenging.

One of the biggest factors that people don’t talk about enough is height.

The Reality of Being Tall in Calisthenics

Let’s get this out of the way: I’m not a giant, but at 6’1”, 180 pounds, I’m considered tall in the world of calisthenics.

And I’ll be honest with you—being tall comes with its own set of struggles when it comes to bodyweight training.

This isn’t about making excuses or saying taller people can’t excel in calisthenics. It’s about understanding the different challenges our bodies present and learning how to work with them, not against them.

In calisthenics, weight distribution and leverage play a huge role...

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How to Start Calisthenics: A Step-by-Step Journey to Mastery

How to Start Calisthenics: A Step-by-Step Journey With Online Calisthenics.

Whether you're new to fitness, overweight or already have some experience, my Online Calisthenics course is designed to help you transform your body and strength through the art of calisthenics.

From Beginner to Advanced: What You’ll Achieve

By the end of my Online Calisthenics course, you will master foundational movements like pull-ups, push-ups, dips, and squats.

But it doesn’t stop there. You’ll also learn advanced movements that most people can’t do, such as muscle-ups and handstands.

Along the way, you will build lean muscle, dramatically improve your core strength, and gain total body control.

How My Calisthenics Program Works

I’ve structured this program like a video game. As you progress, you unlock new levels and challenges that make your training both exciting and rewarding.

You start with an 8-week Beginner Challenge (Level 0), which lays the foundation for your...

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The Power of Supersets: Faster Fat Loss. Stronger You.


The Power of Supersets: Faster Fat Loss. Stronger You.

If you’re trying to get the most out of your workouts, whether you’re just starting out or already experienced, there’s one strategy that can take your training to the next level: supersets.

If you’ve been wondering how to start calisthenics and make it both efficient and effective, supersets offer an easy yet powerful method. They’re perfect for those looking to burn fat, build muscle, and increase endurance, all while saving time.

Let’s break down why supersets should be a key part of your calisthenics routine and how you can get started.

What Are Supersets?

A superset is a simple yet effective way of structuring your workout. Instead of performing one exercise and then resting, a superset involves doing two or more exercises back-to-back without any rest in between.

Think of it as a mini-circuit, designed to maximize time under tension and push your cardiovascular system.

Supersets are...

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