Lately, I've been asked this question quite often.
It's crucial to know how to create a calisthenics workout plan when you have to take your health into your own hands. So, I'm here to provide you with some tips for scheduling and planning your weeks to achieve the best results, whether you're a beginner or intermediate.
But before we dive into it, I want to mention that you can download my free workout here. It's a valuable resource that includes the intermediate template we'll be discussing today, along with other helpful tools like a one-day meal plan and a monthly healthy habits schedule. Feel free to make use of these resources to build healthy habits and develop a strong body through calisthenics.
Now, let's focus on the intermediate template in this document. Keep in mind that you can always adjust it if...
Today, we're going to discuss four of the best movements to build strength and mass through calisthenics and bodyweight training.
With just a few adjustments to your foundational movements, you can take your training to the next level and achieve incredible strength gains.
Consistency is key when performing these movements, so let's dive right in.
Let's start with wide pull-ups.
The pull-up is already a highly effective exercise for building strength, but by making a simple adjustment and widening your grip, you open up new possibilities for enhancing your strength, technique, and overall abilities. This adjustment places greater emphasis on your lat muscles, allowing them to grow and become stronger. By incorporating wide pull-ups into your routine, you'll notice improvements not only in your pull-up game but also in other exercises like muscle-ups, the human flag, handstands, and overhead presses. I highly...
Today, I want to share my two all-time favorite exercises for crafting mind-blowing speed and unparalleled eye-hand coordination.
1 - Sprinting
Did you know that 75% of the population never sprints ever again after turning 30?
That’s right! It is an insane number when you realize it.
So you’d better make sure you don’t fall into that category, ever!
Sprinting will boost your cardio strength, testosterone levels and build strong resilient legs.
How to sprint properly?
When sprinting focus on the following:
Today I'm going over some of my favorite calisthenics ab workouts.
They all involve leg lifting because they are the heaviest thing your abs can lift.
Lifting your legs triggers ALL ab layers, including the transverse (the deepest layer), rectus abdominis and transverse muscles.
Use the following routine to feel the burn:
Today we are going to focus on getting your legs on fire with calisthenics.
All you need is two resistance bands: a thin one and a slightly thicker one.
1. Overhead squats
- How to do it:
- How to adjust difficulty:
2. Deadlifts
- How to do it:
I was watching the Lakers in the NBA play-offs and saw a ridiculous ad for Muscle Milk during the game.
All energy drinks, protein shakes and other pre-post workouts beverages and pills belong to the garbage.
These are basically bad tasting sodas (Gatorades, Monster drinks, Vitamin waters etc...), with bad side effects for an exorbitant cost.
Alkaline water is also a scam, but sells at premium price.
You don’t need alkaline water.
You should avoid all fitness drinks without exception.
You could Instead focus on your holistic diet, adaptogens (ashwagandha, turmeric), stick to coconut water (not from concentrate), and basic filtered water of course!
Add a bit of lemon and/or coconut sugar to your water if needed, for a tough calisthenics...
Everybody has their own idea of what progress is when starting their calisthenics journey.
For some it may be weight loss, gaining more muscle, becoming more athletic or learning a new calisthenics skill.
These are all excellent goals and more often than not come all together eventually to those who stay consistent.
It’s crucial to remember what progress looks like and how long it takes in most cases. Indeed, it’s not always easy to perceive something that is not there yet while we put lots of effort in reaching those goals.
So here is an overall progress timeframe to better visualize the progress path.
In a nutshell, progress is a lot faster when you are just getting started. It gets harder to level up as you become better! The curve can look like a logarithmic graph for those who studied maths: it goes up quick and starts to plateau after.
This following timeline is an estimate that may vary greatly depending on people,...
Last we week we spoke about the best calisthenics training patterns.
In a nutshell, how many sets and reps to do, to get results when you workout.
In addition to how many reps to do, the "What and How" we do these sets and reps matters just as much.
1 - Use full body training as a staple method
Combine pulling and pushing, legs work front and back. Also apply high intensity for each repetition and deep, long muscle contraction to optimize your training.
2 - Train your core everyday
For 5 to 10 min with intensity.
3 - Train antagonist movements
Train muscles that work together. Aim for pushing after pulling for example. Start with the hardest exercises and sets of your training. Start with pull up sets before your push ups, or muscle ups before pull ups, for example.
4 - Use rather short rest time
Rest time plays a crucial role in...
Focusing on main calisthenics compound movements, as a primary source of training, is always rewarded and at the core of every calisthenics transformation.
Knowing which calisthenics training patterns to use is very important to get the results you want.
This will get you a calisthenics body, and the strength that goes along with it.
Whenever you workout, use one or a combination of these patterns!
And Calisthenics is one of the best discipline to work on it!
However, many people tend to overlook the importance of mid-back posture alignment. The mid-back, also known as the thoracic spine, plays a critical role in supporting the upper body and protecting vital organs.
One of the most common causes of mid-back pain is poor posture.
When we slouch or hunch forward, we put undue stress on our mid-back muscles and ligaments. Over time, this can lead to muscle fatigue, strain, and pain. Improper posture can also affect our breathing, causing shallow breathing, chest tightness, and other respiratory problems.
A weak mid-back area will also lead to poor training results in the long run.
So here are some tips for improving mid-back posture alignment:
1. Sit up straight: When sitting, make sure to keep...
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