Transform Your Core: No-Equipment Calisthenics Workout

core workout tips Jun 10, 2023

Transform Your Core: No-Equipment Calisthenics Workout!

Today, we're going to talk about the core. 

And more specifically calisthenics exercises that require no equipment and will get you great results!

The core is not only one of the most vital sections of our body but also the foundation for our movements. Unfortunately, it's often misunderstood, and many people struggle to see results when training their core. Today, I want to provide you with explanations on what to do and how to do it, without any equipment, at any level. 

We'll begin with dynamic standing knee raises. 

During this exercise, it's crucial to lift your knees higher than your hips. The goal is to work your core by lifting your legs as high as possible, to your chest if possible! 

Aim for 10-20 reps x 3 sets. You can adjust the sets and reps according to your fitness level, gradually increasing the intensity.

Next, we have the basic butt kickers, which are similar to the knee raises except you are kicking your feet behind you instead of bringing your knees to your chest. Maintain a straight body posture without leaning forward.

Aim for 20 reps x 3 sets. 

Pogo jumps are another great warm-up exercise. By lifting your arms up while jumping, you activate various muscles in your trunk. Keep your legs straight, arms raised, and feel free to incorporate a slight twist while you jump up, to engage different areas of your core. It's important to understand that the core is a complex muscle group that extends beyond the front of your body. The lower back and sides play a significant role as well.

Go for 30 sec of jumping x 3 sets

To target the lower abs and lower back, I recommend assisted narrow squats. Get support from parallel bars, a door frame or any other sturdy support can work. The goal is to squat with your feet 1-2 inches apart. 

Use whatever support your can pull from, to assist you and engage in a narrow squat. Focus on flexing your ankles, maintaining a straight back and avoid letting your knees flare out. Squeeze your legs together as you go down. This exercise effectively engages the core, especially when you reach the bottom position. Remember to tilt your pelvis, tuck your rib cage down and in, and keep your knees forward to avoid leaning or swinging. Proper ankle flexion and posture will contribute to building a strong core over time. Include this exercise in your workouts, and you'll see guaranteed results.

Aim for 10+reps x 3-5 sets.

Moving on to donkey kicks, they are highly beneficial for your core. Start in a tuck plank position, lean slightly forward, get your legs off the ground and kick behind, tuck back and land.

If you're unable to perform them yet, you can start with tuck-ups or small jumps. Focus on contracting and compressing your core as you go up. You can combine donkey kicks with mountain climbers, which are similar movements but performed from a full plank position, bringing your knees forward to your chest, alternatively.

Aim for 10-20+ reps x 3-5 sets. Feel free to add more sets or time as needed to intensify the exercise.

Let's move to the side planks. This exercise works the obliques and helps connect the front and back core. It's a great intermediate movement. Begin in a plank position and extend your opposite arm out. For an advanced variation, raise one leg up to make up an “X” shape, which further increases the imbalance and activates your entire body. Start with the easier version and progress to lifting your leg as you gain strength and stability.

Go for 30 sec per side x 3 sets.

Now, we'll target the back of your core with the Superman and Scorpio exercises. The Superman exercise involves lifting your chest, shoulders, and thighs off the floor while keeping your arms extended in front of you and your legs extended behind you. 

You then transition into the Scorpio by bending your knees at a 90 degree angle with your feet pointing to the sky. You also have to bring your elbows towards your body, keeping your hands up. The Scorpio position helps build scapular mobility and strengthens the lower back curve. Make sure to activate your glutes!

Go for 30 sec x 3 sets for each exercise.

Remember, consistency is key when training your core. Start with exercises that suit your fitness level, gradually progressing as you get stronger. It's important to maintain proper form and alignment to effectively engage your core muscles. And don't forget to combine core exercises with a balanced diet and a full calisthenics routine to get results!

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