Don't Forget About This!

mobility Nov 14, 2023

Foot Mobility!

It's easy to ignore them.

Yet they are one, if not, the most important part of your body when it comes to basic human skills.

I am talking about your feet.

You'll notice that very few people actually spend time warming up this specific area of the body.

Here are additional movements to use a good calisthenics warm up!

Let's not forget about rotations. This is also something that everyone needs to be doing well in order to function. 

So in short, the feet and rotations are an essential part of general movement.

Taking care of them is at the top of the list when it comes to calisthenics training, as well as long term, holistic health.

So don't forget to do use these movements next time you warm up!

Get all my calisthenics workout programs and online calisthenics personal coaching here!


Calisthenics Training FAQ’s


What is Calisthenics Training?
Calisthenics, rooted in the ancient Greek...

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Best Push Ups For Chest and Triceps


Best Push Ups For Chest and Triceps

Are you looking to hit your chest and triceps with calisthenics?

Look no further!

These are by far the best push ups you can do to get a great chest and triceps pump.

If you haven't guessed yet, I am talking about the narrow grip push ups.

Here I am doing them on a narrow wall, which also increases core engagement and balance work.

These push ups require good shoulder mobility!

Focus on form and tempo when doing them, as it's easy to lose form and the benefits that go with it!

Go for 5-10 reps x 5-10 sets. 

I recommend to hold the last rep down for 5-10 seconds on each set, to maximize your overall time under tension.

Adapt the volume and intensity as needed.

Here is how to get started with push ups if you can't do the narrow grip ones yet!

If you need more guidance overall, get all my calisthenics programs and personal coaching here!


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Free Calisthenics Toolkit: ALL My 200+ Calisthenics Blog Posts

Here is your updated, Free Calisthenics Toolkit.

Wether you are a beginner or more advanced calisthenics athlete, you will find practical information to make progress and thrive with calisthenics.

The posts are sorted out by topic:

  • Full body workouts
  • Upper body
  • Lower body
  • Push ups
  • Pull ups
  • Core
  • Skills
  • Nutrition
  • Stretching and mobility
  • Cardio
  • Mindset
  • Workout tips

Here is the full list, including links to each post.

Let's go!

Full body
21 Calisthenics Exercises You Can Do Anywhere!
How To Warm Up For a Calisthenics Workout
6 Beginner Movements To Start Calisthenics
6 Most Important Movements in Calisthenics
Calisthenics Training With Online Clients In Real Life!
10 Calisthenics Movement Variations To Diversify Your Workouts
How To Train Calisthenics "On The Go": 3 Day Workout Program
The Most Important Technique In Calisthenics
3 Calisthenics Movements For A Full Body Workout
21 Calisthenics Workout Moves To Train Outdoors
The 6 Calisthenics...
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6 Months Calisthenics Muscle Up Progression

muscle up upper body Nov 03, 2023

Step by step 6 Months Calisthenics Muscle Up Progression!

  • Have you tried to do a muscle up before but can't really do it?
  • Are you working on getting your first proper muscle up?
  • Do you have the muscle up as a goal in the future?

If the answer is yes to some or all of the above, this video will show you the step by step actions to take in order to get what you want:

  • Start practicing with a lower bar
  • Jump on the bar and do negative repetitions if needed
  • Use a good false grip on every repetition
  • Train a lot of single bar dips and pull ups
  • Transition to a higher bar when comfortable on the lower bar
  • Use bands to practice
  • Improve form and volume overtime

Get all my calisthenics training programs and 1-1 online calisthenics coaching here!

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How Long Does It Take to See Results from Calisthenics?

How Long Does It Take to See Results from Calisthenics?

In a world of instant gratification, it's no wonder that many of us are eager to see results from our fitness endeavors as quickly as possible.

Whether you're just starting your calisthenics journey or you've been at it for a while, you might be wondering: how long does it take to see results from calisthenics?

The truth is, the answer is as dynamic as the discipline itself.

In this photo, this me at 19 on the left, next to me at 39 years old, on the right. I started calisthenics at 28 years old.

Calisthenics, like any form of exercise, is a journey that requires patience, dedication, and realistic expectations. 

Here's what you need to know about the timeline for seeing results in calisthenics:

1. The Early Gains (Weeks 1-4):

In the initial weeks of your calisthenics journey, you'll likely experience some quick wins. Your body will start adapting to the new movements, and you'll notice improvements in strength, endurance,...

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Is that you?

mobility Oct 29, 2023

Calisthenics offers incredible fitness freedom and results.

So let me ask you, do you fall in one of the following categories?

Are you:

If you answered yes to one or more question, Online Calisthenics covers all of the above.

And more.

Get started with 1-1 online calisthenics coaching here!

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Why is Calisthenics So Effective?

workout tips Oct 28, 2023

Why is Calisthenics So Effective?

Picture this: a scene from an action movie, the hero performing gravity-defying feats of strength, agility, and finesse, all without the aid of fancy gym equipment. 

Is it just movie magic, or is there a real-world way to achieve such remarkable physical prowess? 

Enter calisthenics – the ancient art of bodyweight training that not only makes those movie stunts possible but also offers a host of benefits that make it incredibly effective.

Calisthenics is more than just a workout; it's a philosophy, a way of life, and a path to unlocking your body's full potential. 

So, why is calisthenics so effective? 

Let's dive into the reasons that make this discipline a game-changer for anyone seeking a fit, functional, and free-moving body.

1. Natural, Primal Movement: Calisthenics revolves around movements that are as natural as breathing. Think push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and planks. These are functional movements that our bodies...

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Calisthenics Back Lever Progression!

back lever skills Oct 27, 2023

Calisthenics Back Lever Progression!

Arean's back lever is not perfect yet, but he came a long way, from when he started!

It's a movement that is harder than it looks.

Not only because of the strength component but also the mobility requirements, because the bar is behind you.

This alters our perception and body mechanics (similar to a handstand, or just standing on leg with your eyes closed, for example).

That means the back lever requires extra focus on legs, hips, ribs and shoulder placement.

Here is how to practice the back lever with negatives, IF you can already do a good static tuck hold:

  • Starting in tuck.
  • Extend in an upward, 45 degree angle, back lever (feet pointing to the sky behind you).
  • Perform the negative phase until your body is parallel to the ground (this is where tension in the chest, core, glutes, and legs is maximum).
  • Here are pointers to focus on during the negative phase and the hold: 
    • Squeeze your chest
    • Keep your ribs low and in
    • Keep...
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From Calisthenics Beginner To Advanced in 2.5 years!

mindset Oct 27, 2023

From Calisthenics Beginner To Advanced in 2.5 years!

I had the pleasure to chat with Antal last week.

He is a great example of the results you get when you follow the right program and method, with consistency.

We talked about how using the Online Calisthenics coaching program changed his life since 2021.

You can watch his workout transformation here.

He went from a complete calisthenics beginner to being able to achieve the muscle up and more.

Within 2.5 years!

In our interview, we talked about his favorite moves, the healthy foods he prioritizes and other practical habits that he now implements in his life to keep progressing.

He also shared some of his future goals and advices for those who want to get started like him!

Watch the full interview here!

Get all my calisthenics programs and personal online calisthenics coaching here!


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Is 30 Too Late for Calisthenics?

mobility workout tips Oct 25, 2023

Is 30 Too Late for Calisthenics?

The world of fitness is mostly images of youthful vitality and boundless energy.

It's easy to get the impression that if you haven't started your fitness journey in your early twenties, you've missed the boat. 

But let me tell you something that's not talked about enough – it's never too late to embark on the incredible journey of calisthenics. 

So, is 30 too late for calisthenics? 

Not by a long shot. In fact, your thirties can be the perfect time to dive into this transformative discipline.

I started calisthenics at 28.

Here's why age should never be a deterrent when it comes to embracing calisthenics:

1. Natural Movements Know No Age: Calisthenics is all about embracing the natural, primal movements of your body. Push-ups, squats, pull-ups – these are movements that humans have been doing for millions of years. And guess what? Your body doesn't forget how to do them just because you've hit 30. In fact, these...

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