This Calisthenics Back Workout Is A Game Changer


This Calisthenics Back Workout Is A Game Changer!

A strong back is the foundation of fitness.

It governs something as important as your spine.

Calisthenics ring work is an amazing way to target your back and build great strength.

In today's video, I will show you 3 ring exercises that will be a game changer for your back workouts!

Note that you can also use a parallel bar and a pull up bar as a replacement if you don't have access to calisthenics rings.

Here is how to become an expert at pull up!

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How To Build Core Strength With Calisthenics Push Ups


How To Build Core Strength With Calisthenics Push Ups!

Push ups are one of the most iconic calisthenics movement yet most people do them wrong.

Many of them actually lack core strength to perform proper push ups.

So today we'll dive into 3 movements to build the core-chest connection.

Each sequence will trigger different angles of attack for the chest and core. This will build solid form and make you gain mobility in the process.

These movements are part of the new Yogasthenics program available to all OnlineCalisthenics members.

Get started here!

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How To Get Really Strong Lower Abs With Calisthenics


How To Get Really Strong Lower Abs With Calisthenics!

Hitting the lower abs is crucial when training your core. 

Calisthenics is the best way to get strong abs and today I am going to show you 3 different L-sit progressions to build lower abs strength.

Your overall progress will result from great form and the amount of time you hold these different L-Sit variations.

The difference between a 5 second hold and a 10 second one is immense.

Here are 10 other calisthenics exercises to hit your lower abs!

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How To Get Instantly Better At Pull Ups With Calisthenics


How To Get Instantly Better At Pull Ups With Calisthenics

Out of all foundation calisthenics movements, the pull up is the hardest. People are usually familiar with push ups and squats, but pull ups are always a challenge.

Most beginners lack range of motion when it comes to pulling skills.

So in today's video, I am showing you how to work on that, with 3 exercises to get instantly better at pull ups.

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How To Get Rid Of Love Handles With Calisthenics

core online calisthenics Jan 17, 2022

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles With Calisthenics?

First, let's address the elephant in the room: there is no way to target specific areas for fat loss.

Instead, the solution is to build overall core strength, and that includes the OBLIQUES.

This is a muscle group often under-trained. Big mistake!

Watch this video on how to train your OBLIQUES.

Include these in your workouts and combine it to a calorie deficit regimen. You can then resume to a calorie maintenance once your body is lean enough.

Here are also 3 Calisthenics Exercises For Core Compression And Extension.

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How To Increase Hip Mobility With Calisthenics


How To Increase Hip Mobility With Calisthenics!

Have you ever felt tightness in your lower back and hips?

While being very common, the lack of mobility may be holding your progress back. 

So I released a Yogasthenics program to address exactly that.

Yogasthenics is a course that mixes yoga and calisthenics.

This is a great combo to become strong and agile at the same time, so stay tuned for more on that!

In the meantime, let me show you four movements to release your hips and lower back.

This will improve every aspect of your workouts.

Try this great back stretch too!

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3 Calisthenics Exercises For Core Compression And Extension

core online calisthenics Jan 17, 2022

3 Calisthenics Exercises For Core Compression And Extension.

I have had hundreds of clients coming to me asking how to get a strong core

But most of them are only using basic exercises that only target the superficial ab layers.

So in this video I am going to show you how to work on your deep core muscles. 

These 3 exercises will induce core compression and extension, which are some of the most important features of the human body.

Lack one of these skills and chances are your core could be stronger.

I ranked the movements by order of difficulty: the first one is for beginners, although you can use it even if you are advanced (I used it all the time), the second movement is an intermediate drill and the last one is a bit more advanced.

Here are also 3 beginner movements to use if you are just getting started!

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How To Get Rid Of Weak Shoulders With Calisthenics


How To Get Rid Of Weak Shoulders With Calisthenics!

Our shoulders are the number one limiting factor, when it comes to upper body strength and skills.

And push ups are a great way to address that!

In this video, I am breaking down 3 moves that are great to work on mobility, strength and explosivity.

This will target both your chest and shoulders.

Here are some great mobility calisthenics exercises to do along with these push ups.

It comes down to mastering your shoulder blades, and these techniques will be a game changer to include in your current routine.

Let's get it!

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How To Get Deep Core Strength With Calisthenics

core online calisthenics Jan 17, 2022

How To Get Deep Core Strength With Calisthenics!

Most classic abs exercises are not very efficient at building deep core tissue.

Doing endless crunches won't give you strong abs.

Most people want to build abs to look good, but they are much more than that.

Not only do they protect some of your most vital organs, but they also play a crucial role in your posture, hence why it's crucial to hit the deep core layers.

In this video I go over 3 intermediate exercises, for a complete, deep core workout.

Here are other great calisthenics core exercises to add to your workouts!

Let's get it!

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Become The Most Advanced Machine With Calisthenics!


Become The Most Advanced Machine With Calisthenics!

Did you watch "Human, The World Within" on Netflix?

If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it!

Being a human is, currently, being the most advanced machine in the known universe.

So learning how to move like one is a great life skill!

In this video, I go over 3 essential exercises to move optimally.

These 3 drills will workout your full body and be a great challenge.

Here are 10 other calisthenics movement variations to diversify your workouts!

Use these when you workout!

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Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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