3 Calisthenics Things You Should Be Able To Do

3 Calisthenics Things You Should Be Able To Do!

The standard goals, for anyone who takes calisthenics training seriously, is to be able to perform as follow:

  • 1+ clean muscle up
  • 20+ clean pull ups
  • 40+ clean push ups

The Muscle Up

This move is calisthenics in a nutshell. It requires lots of skills and strength to achieve.

So performing this movement with clean form will prove a few things: you have great pulling strength, mobile and strong shoulders, great pelvic strength and overall proprioceptive skills.

Pull Ups

Pull ups are the staple calisthenics exercise. This is where it all starts. Everyone should be a master at pull ups.

Anyone who can achieve 20+ clean pull ups shows great athleticism.

This requires endurance, full back and grip strength, core strength, shoulder mobility, and coordination.

Make it your standard.

Push ups 

The humble push up is the most popular fitness movement in the world. Everyone has done them at least once in their lives.

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In-Person Calisthenics Training Is Back In LA!

online calisthenics Jul 05, 2022

When Dave came to Los Angeles from Sydney, to specifically train with me, he was not even close to perform any calisthenics skills.

After 6 months of work, here is what he can do.

Check the video here!

If you are in Los Angeles, click here to purchase your intro workout session and schedule a time directly with me at [email protected].

Let's go!


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3 Actionable Tips For Better Results With Calisthenics!

3 Actionable Tips For Better Results With Calisthenics!

Want to get better results with calisthenics training? 

This may sound easy but start by doing this:

Tip 1:  Have an idea of what you are going to do at your training session.

I personally like the pulling, pushing, legs training split.

I also have a secondary layer added to this where I plan reps and volume, isometrics and skills, mobility and prehab to stay long term injury free.

Tip 2: Focus on intention on every rep 

When I say that, you may think, “of course we need that!”, well the reality is most people don’t actually do it.

When doing 10 reps, most will start losing will power after 7 or 8 reps, sometimes before that, when they get “tired”. Their mind starts to focus on saving energy rather than get those extra reps as clean as possible.

Focus until the last rep. Have the “intent” even if you fail your last rep!

Tip 3: Train with “speed”


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How Calisthenics Promotes Spirituality

How Calisthenics Promotes Spirituality!

Most people see Calisthenics as a sport to get strong, get lean and learn some skills.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg!

This is also a spiritual endeavor, and no one talks about that.

So I just started a new video series on that topic, with Hatem, a French client of mine.

Click here to watch our first podcast episode!


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7 Years Calisthenics Transformation


7 Years Calisthenics Transformation!

In the end, what I do is teach a METHOD and a MINDSET.

Progress is a process.

And Jared is one of the greatest example of that.

He's one of the first person I started training when I moved to L.A. in 2015.

He went from a complete calisthenics beginner to a beast.

He now pairs his calisthenics work with other sports like Ju-Jitsu.

Most importantly he knows how to keep going.

Jared makes me proud when I see his amazing progress over the last 7 years!

Start your Free calisthenics beginner workout here!

And get online calisthenics personal coaching here!

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My Favorite Breakfast!

My Favorite Breakfast!

You probably heard it before and definitely heard it from me: what and when we eat are the most important factors to stay lean all year round.

No matter how hard your workout, nutrition is the X factor to long term progress.

Today I wanted to share my favorite breakfast in details.

The first thing I do is drink a large glass of water at room temperature. This kicks starts your digestive system and prepares you for the upcoming breakfast.

I then let 20-30 minutes pass before I actually eat breakfast.

This give you plenty of time to cook your morning meal.

I love a good omelette with veggies to start the day. It’s a great way to get your protein and fibers in at the same time.

I’ll mix 3-5 whole eggs (depending on how intense my workout day will be) in a bowl, that I set aside while cooking the veggies.

For those, I’ll heat up some olive oil, turmeric, garlic powder,  in a pan then add some zucchinis, sliced mushrooms, salt, pepper, then...

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3 Actionable Tips To Be Lean All Year Round

3 Actionable Tips To Be Lean All Year Round!

Want to be lean all year round? 

Let’s skip the fluff and go straight to the actionable quick tips that you can implement immediately. 

Besides the obvious “train hard” tips, it all comes down to how you eat.

Quick Tip 1: Start the day with a BIG glass of water

This helps kick start your metabolism and digestive system in the morning. 

I do it EVERY DAY. It feels great to start the day with a fresh glass of water. 

This literally wakes up your body.

Quick Tip 2: Get a big NUTRITIOUS breakfast

Getting your calories in in the morning is the best way to control hunger throughout the day.

I have kept a lean body for the last 10 years doing so.

Quick Tip 3: NO carbs after 6pm

Narrowing down the daily carbs intake window helps promoting an earlier carb intake such as breakfast.

This in return mimics a slight intermittent fasting bracket, which helps keep a slight daily calorie deficit.

After 6pm, go heavy...

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10 Calisthenics Movement Variations To Diversify Your Workouts

10 Calisthenics Movement Variations To Diversify Your Workouts

My previous post details a 3 day workout program you can do anywhere, anytime.

This is very useful to workout "on the go".

Ideally (not a deal breaker) you have a pair of workout rings and/or some resistance bands with your when you travel!

Today i wanted to share 10 movement variations, so you can mix it up within the 3 day plan I sent last time!

Use these variations to create different workouts.

You can alternate each set or focus on one particular variation, depending on your goals and current level.

Push ups 


Hollow body

Pull ups

Hanging knee raises

Australian rows

Tag me on Instagram when you do those!



Let's go!


PS: if you are new, click here to become an Online Calisthenics member!

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How To Train Calisthenics "On The Go": 3 Day Workout Program

How To Train Calisthenics "On The Go": 3 Day Workout Program!

Traveling to get some good time off, we all love that!

However most people also fall off their good habits when doing so. Some lose their healthy rhythm, trading it for more drinks, less exercises and less sleep.

We’ve all been there. 

So here is a great, 3 day full body calisthenics workout program. 

You can do anywhere, with minimal or no equipment at all.

Day 1: Push-Legs-Core

  • Push ups 10 to 1 (hold every last rep at the bottom with pelvis tilted in). Hold every last rep at the bottom.
  • Squats 1 to 10 + hold every last rep for 5 sec
  • Superset push and squat: 10 push up/1 squat - 9 push/2 squats - 8 push/3 squats etc...
  • Hollow body hold x 1 min + Superman x 1 min

Day 2: Pull-Legs-Core

  • Pull ups: 10 to 1 (or front band pulls, you can do a 15 to 5 pyramid if doing front band pulls as they are easier than pull ups). Hold every last rep at the top.
  • Elevated hips raises: 1 to 10 + hold every last rep for 5...
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I Wouldnā€™t Mind Rewinding This Moment a Hundred Times

I Wouldn’t Mind Rewinding This Moment a Hundred Times!

I remember when I first had a massive win with calisthenics.

Unlocking the all mighty Muscle Up!

It was incredible! 

Before I was able to do a muscle up, I was a completely different person. 

I thought I would never be able to achieve that from where I was standing. Pull ups were already challenging so the muscle up seemed to be from another dimension.

I felt fatalistic and I was ok with the idea that this move wasn’t for me, that I wasn’t a gymnast anyway and that I’d stay stuck under the bar forever.

How the muscle up happened…is actually the most important part of the story. 

This quest for something that seemed unattainable has changed my life.

I wouldn’t mind rewinding these moments a few more times...  

I would go train every single day for years, and haven’t stopped ever since.

I was getting great advices from the older, more experienced guys that were...

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