Beginner Calisthenics Workout For Women

Beginner Calisthenics Workout For Women!

You can do it at home or your favorite park if you have access.

This is a great workout for beginners. You don't need any equipment besides a resistance band if you have one. This routine include essential compound movements that will workout your entire body.

1. Warm Up: perform proper warm up drills to make your workout safe and more efficient. Try your best to apply proper form on each movement. If don't have a resistance band, do the band pull apart just pretending you are hold a band and creative resistance yourself.

2. Pulling and Pushing exercises: the pull and push combination will provide great training balance and work both your "front and back". If you don't have access to a low bar you can substitute the low bar pulls with doorway pull ups (scroll down the channel to check the doorway pull ups video).

3. Leg Work: we are using basic squats as it is one of the most important movement to master. It connects both upper and lower body, and provides tremendous benefits once done correctly. I also added unilateral leg movements (one leg at a time). Those are also extremely beneficial and allow us to feel the difference between our 2 sides. All of us experience some kind of imbalance and these exercises help correct them.

4. Core and abs: proper planks (with your elbows slightly in front of you) are a staple exercise which provides great benefits when done right. The hypopressive ab routine is also a great innovative way to work the deep core muscles using various angles.

Watch the full video here!

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