When you do a squat for example, "flexing your feet up" activates the whole posterior muscle chain in a very active and efficient way. It will help you fire your calves, hamstrings, glutes and back on each repetition.
Here is how to get started on better ankle dorsiflexion
-Self myofascial release on the foam roller: Roll up and down your calf and Achilles’ tendon for 1 minute. Focus on tender spots for 15-20 sec when you hit some.
-Plantar muscle release: use a PVC or wood stick or ball to roll your feet. Step on it one foot at a time. Roll as needed.
-Wall knee flexions: start in narrow lunge position with your front toes about 1 inch from the wall and aim to make contact with the wall with your knee while keeping your front heel anchored to the floor.
If your front heel comes up then move your foot forward a bit and adjust the distance between your toes and the wall. If it feels to...
Strong functional muscles play a major role in your overall progress, mobility and health.
A strong serratus muscle group is a key to thoracic mobility which turns into the ability to hold a proper hollow body position.
This will translate into good form in most calisthenics moves such as handstands, muscle ups, pull ups, push ups, dips, levers and more.
The muscle is divided into three named parts depending on their points of insertions:
-the serratus anterior superior is inserted near the superior angle
-the serratus anterior intermediate is inserted along the medial border
-the serratus anterior inferior is inserted near the inferior angle.
All three parts described above pull the scapula forward around the thorax. The muscle is an antagonist to the rhomboids. The inferior part can pull the lower end of the scapula laterally and forward and thus rotates the scapula to make...
A common illusion was set by the over marketed fitness industry, letting most people wanting big chests, big biceps and square abs. All of these are fine, besides the fact that this needs to start with a shredded back.
Back muscles are usually underrated and underworked. However they are the most important muscle chain in the upper body.
Besides all the functional benefits from having a solid back (this would require an entire bio-mechanic blog post), this muscle chain is also in charge of keeping your spine happy, which holds your skull, which contains your brain.
Needless to explain further why a strong back matters.
Here is how to make pull ups and pulling variations a staple component of your workout routines!
Mark your calendars for the exciting Venice Beach Calisthenics Games 2023 on July 29th!
And here's the best part – it's a FREE event, open to everyone who wishes to participate.
Prepare for a great "sets and reps" competition, where the ultimate challenge is to perform as many repetitions of each exercise as possible without taking a break.
The competitor with the cleanest and most repetitions will be crowned the champion!
The primary focus is on executing each move with impeccable form, which means that bad form reps will not count. To guarantee fairness, our judges will be present to carefully assess each participant's performance.
Here the list of movements for the competition:
You can pick up to 3 movements you wish...
It did in such a way that it also became spiritual journey. So I thought it would be great to explore the connection between mind, body, and spirituality and how calisthenics can play a surprising major role in that aspect.
Before we dive in, let me introduce Hatem, a Frenchman who has been living in LA for the past 20 years.
This post is a recap of a conversation we had together on that topic.
He likes to think of himself as a martial artist of life, with interests in science, philosophy, and spirituality. Growing up with a French education, he noticed a tendency to neglect the body in favor of intellectual pursuits. However, he realized that this left something missing, and he started taking care of his body alongside feeding his brain.
Studying Kabbalah, which is connected to the Torah and the Talmud, opened his eyes to the similarities between various spiritualities and religions. The...
Today I want to talk about one of my favorite calisthenics move: the explosive push-up.
If you're already a push-up master, it's time to take it up a notch by jumping off the ground for part of the push ups.
While you can start calisthenics with nothing but your body, having some cool pieces of equipment can enhance your training and make it more efficient.
The beauty of calisthenics is that you really don't need any equipment. It's great if you have rings, chairs, parallel bars, pull up bars, or parallettes.
Here is a list of the best equipment you can get to start training.
But you can also do it without anything, on the floor!
Let's dive into the details of mastering the L-sit.
Go for 5-10 sec hold x 3-5 sets. Adjust as needed.
Let's get started!
Go for 5-10 reps x 5 sets. Adjust as needed.
We're going to focus on the obliques, an essential section of the core.
Strengthening the core involves three key components: extension, compression, and twisting. Let's dive into the exercises that will specifically target twisting and oblique engagement.
50% Complete
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