How To Do Advanced Pull Up Shrugs

pull ups Oct 14, 2023

How To Do Advanced Pull Up Shrugs

The "Arched" Scapula Pulls or "Hollow Back" pulls are great to strengthen your back.

This a rather advanced movement which goal is to control your mid-back extension through the shoulder blade shrug pull. 

So do not attempt if you are a beginner or lack proper back strength and mobility.

You have to guide the whole movement through your glutes, core, mid-back and shoulder blades.

Make sure to externally rotate your shoulders, by trying to "bend the bar" as you pull.

Performing this move requires good back-core strength, and overhead mobility foundations!

This exercise is also great improve front and back lever control.

Here is another exercise you can do to get a better front lever and overall back strength!

Book your free call with me here for personal coaching.


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