It requires a very strong back and core, as well as good shoulder and hip mobility.
- One of the best way to train it is the advanced tuck hold.
Here are some pointers:
The goal is to hold that position for as long as you can and repeat for 5 sets.
- You can also combine the advanced tuck with full assisted holds using a resistance band. Wrap the band around the bar and place it around your feet and/or hips.
Go for 5-10 sets of max holds with the band.
- You can also practice negative front lever reps where you come from the top hold then descend and try to hold when your body becomes parallel to the ground.
Here again go for 5-10 negative repetitions.
- Lastly spend some time training your dragon flag as a great accessory movement to perfect your body alignment and isometric hold endurance!
Try to hold 3-5 dragon flags for as long as you can.
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