3 Shoulder Stretches You Need To Do

3 Shoulder Stretches You Need To Do!

I am 42 and have had chronic instabilities and weaknesses in my right shoulder since I was 20.

This is due to years of tennis over-training in my early days, coupled with the lack of proper prehab and conditioning at the time.

I am a great believer that without good healthy shoulders you can't achieve any proper workout results in the long term, no matter how strong you are.

Calisthenics is a great vehicle for mobility training as it requires to keep all joints at their optimal capacity.

The videos I am sharing here are a game changer. All you need is a wood stick.

Click below to check them out!

  1. Shoulder/deltoid and arm/tricep stretch
  2. Standing external shoulder rotation hold
  3. Front shoulder release

As you know, mobility is key, so practice daily.

Let's go!


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