Get The Best Bang For Your Buck With These Pull Ups!

pull ups Oct 22, 2023

The Best Pull Ups For Strength!

If you can already to 15-20 clean pull ups, this is for you.

One of the best way to train weighted calisthenics is the drop set method.

This is a technique where you start with the hardest repetitions.

Do as many as you can.

Then you lower the weight, just a little, and try to add more repetitions than during the previous set.

And so on.

Rest 3-5 minutes between sets.

Here is the pull ups drop set I did last week while training with my friends in Venice Beach.

It took us about an hour to complete.

  • + 115 lbs x 1 
  • 90 x 3 x 2 
  • 85 x 3
  • 70 x 3
  • 60 x 5
  • 55 x 5
  • 45 x 6
  • 35 x 6
  • 25 x 10
  • 10 x 10
  • 0 x 13
  • Bodyweight rows x 23

Our backs felt good after this one!

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