My Favorite Cardio Workout. Boost Speed And Burn Fat.

My Favorite Cardio Workout. Boost Speed And Burn Fat.

Most people don’t like to train cardio.

It’s usually viewed as an endless running session, on a treadmill that leads to nowhere, getting little to no results at all in the process.

So today I will share my favorite workout, to make sure you burn fat, and build solid strength and speed!

The goal is to get your heart rate up, sweat bullets and exhale a lot of CO2. Hint: combining these 3 things is the ONLY way to burn fat.

So click on each title below to watch the videos!

1/ Let’s start with some agility work with the skaters runs - back pedal combo.

Go for 8-10 steps, and pause for a split second every time you land, then come back to your initial position running backwards at a moderate pace.

Repeat the process for 10 sets.

Rest 30-60 sec between sets.

2/ We’ll continue with some broad precision jumps, for explosive cardio strength and agility.

The goal is to go as far as possible with a clean landing on each jump. This means you should be able to stay where you are after landing. Precision is key!

Go for 8 jumps and repeat for 10 sets.

Rest 30-60 sec between sets.

3/ Finally we’ll burn out the left over energy with some jump rope double-unders.

The goal is to skip the rope twice under your feet on each jump.

Go for 10-30+ jumps and repeat for 10 sets. Substitute with single jumps and double the amount of repetitions if you can’t do double-unders yet.

Rest 60-90 sec between sets.

This workout is guaranteed to make you burn fat, build speed and cardio strength.

Adjust the overall amount of sets depending on your level: 

  • Beginners can reduce sets by 50% 
  • Intermediate can reduce sets by 25% 
  • Advanced should complete the workout as is.

Post your workouts and tag me! 

I’d love to see your progress! 


Ps: become unstoppable and join Online Calisthenics here, if you are new!


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