Mobility Meets Muscle: Level Up Your Calisthenics Leg Workout (Part 2)


Mobility Meets Muscle: Level Up Your Calisthenics Leg Workout (Part 2)

Ready to take your calisthenics leg workout to the next level?

In part 1, we focused on building a strong foundation for your lower body.

Now, let's add mobility and speed to the mix, creating powerful and resilient legs that move with agility.

The best part? You still won't need any equipment – just your own bodyweight!

This workout is designed to be completed once a week alongside part one for a well-rounded leg training program. Aim for at least three leg workouts per week, either integrated into a full-body routine or dedicated leg days.

Here's the breakdown:

1. Typewriter Squats (10-20 reps x 5 sets)

  • Target: Hips, quads, adductors (inner thighs)
  • Benefits: Improves hip mobility and strength, while challenging your quads.
  • Form: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly outward. Begin by squatting down, keeping your back straight and core engaged. As you lower, twist your knees outward like a...
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The Quad Burner: Calisthenics Leg Workout for Explosive Power (Part 1)


The Quad Burner: Calisthenics Leg Workout for Explosive Power (Part 1).

Forget expensive gym memberships and bulky equipment – sculpting powerful quads is entirely achievable with your own bodyweight!

This is part one of my exciting calisthenics leg workout series, specifically designed to torch your quads and build explosive lower body strength.

Calisthenics training utilizes your bodyweight as resistance to build muscle and improve overall fitness. The beauty of this approach lies in its accessibility – you can perform these exercises anywhere, anytime. So, ditch the weights and get ready to engage your quads with these dynamic calisthenics exercises:

1. Reverse Nordics: Building Quads & Hip Flexor Strength

  • Benefits: Reverse nordics are a stellar exercise for isolating and strengthening your quads and hip flexors. This exercise challenges your lower body by mimicking the downward motion of a squat, placing emphasis on control and stability.
  • Execution: Kneel down...
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How Calisthenics Training Transformed My Youngest Client!


Building an Athlete: How Calisthenics Training Transformed My Youngest Client!

Have you ever witnessed someone completely transform their physical abilities?

Today, I want to share the inspiring story of my youngest client, a testament to the power of calisthenics training for people of all ages.

This calisthenics before and after video speaks for itself!

It all began when I started training his father. One day, his dad mentioned his son's desire to learn parkour. However, at the time, this young boy fell within the 10th percentile for weight in the US. While some might see limitations, I saw potential. I suggested the boy join our sessions, proposing a family training approach. That's how, at the young age of seven, he embarked on his calisthenics journey.

Building a Strong Foundation: The Power of Calisthenics for Kids

Calisthenics training, utilizing bodyweight exercises for resistance, is an excellent way for children to develop strength, coordination, and mobility.

It's a safe...

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A Week of Calisthenics Training in Paradise


A Week of Calisthenics Training in Paradise

For many, vacations mean a break from routine – including workouts.

But what if your workout routine could be your vacation?

With calisthenics training, that's exactly what's possible!

This past week, I spent a blissful time in Maui with my wife, exploring the island's beauty while simultaneously maintaining my fitness regime using nothing but my own bodyweight and what was around me.

Calisthenics is your passport to fitness freedom.

Calisthenics training isn't just about sculpted muscles; it's about embracing the natural human way of movement.

Unlike gym-bound routines, calisthenics allows you to train anywhere, anytime.

This trip perfectly exemplified this freedom.

Snorkeling, swimming, and hiking undoubtedly kept us active, but I also incorporated dedicated calisthenics workouts to truly connect with the island's stunning scenery.

Imagine this: push-ups on the soft sand, handstands overlooking the turquoise ocean, or pull-ups from...

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The Best Exercise for Better Posture


Back bending will tremendously improve your overall fitness and posture.

Practicing it regularly will make your body stronger.

Here is how to get started if you haven’t done it before.

1- Wall Standing Bridge:

  • Stand about one arm length away from a wall, feet a bit wider than shoulder width.
  • Brace your core and lift your arms over head.
  • Reach out to the wall behind you with one arm first, then once one arm is on the wall, bring the second arm to the wall as well.
  • Make sure to flex your knees forward a bit as lean back and apply pressure through your lower body (feet, quads, adductors, hamstrings and glutes) to support the hold.
  • Hold for 10-20 seconds and repeat for 3-5 sets.

2- Ladder step down

  • Use a vertical ladder at your gym or park to progress step by step just like I am doing in the video.
  • Start at a comfortable height and make your way down step by step.
  • Step on your toes to ease the range of motion as you are getting lower.Push your glutes up and open your rib...
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A Beginner's Guide to Running Longer


A Beginner's Guide to Running Longer

Are you tired of feeling winded after a short jog?

Do visions of long-distance runs fill you with dread, not excitement?

Well, even if you weren't born with a runner's physique, you can absolutely train yourself to get better at it!

This guide, specifically designed for beginners, will give you a strategic approach to improve your running endurance and unlock sustainable running.

Through dedication and a smart training plan, anyone can develop the ability to run farther and faster.

This article will detail a beginner-friendly protocol that will have you transforming your running skills in no time!

Building Your Base: The Pyramid Protocol

This program utilizes the "pyramid workout" structure, a strategic approach that eases you into running and gradually increases intensity. Imagine the workout as a pyramid shape – you'll start slow and gradually build up your pace before slowing down again.

Here's a breakdown of the pyramid protocol:


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Weighted Calisthenics Leg Workout - Part 2


Weighted Calisthenics Leg Workout - Part 2

Greetings warriors!

Welcome back to the second installment of our weighted calisthenics leg workout!

I hope you felt the burn with Part 1!

Now let’s torch your lower body muscles even further!

This session focuses on building explosive power in your quads, strengthening your hamstrings and glutes, and working out those important calves all with the power of bodyweight training and strategic weighting.

Weighted Squats with Resistance Band: (15-20 reps x 5 sets)
The weighted squat is a staple in any leg workout, and incorporating a resistance band adds a new dimension of challenge. The band provides additional tension throughout the movement, pushing your quads to work harder. Due to the combined resistance of the band and weight vest, your range of motion might be slightly limited. Don't worry, though! Focus on maintaining proper form by keeping your back straight, core engaged, and squatting down as low as comfortably possible (ideally...

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Weighted Calisthenics Leg Workout - Part 1


Weighted Calisthenics Leg Workout - Part 1

Calisthenics training which utilizes your own bodyweight as resistance, also offers weighted options and a vast playground for sculpting strong and defined legs.

It's all about being creative and understanding how to effectively target specific muscle groups.

Today, we'll dive into a weighted calisthenics leg workout designed to fire your leg muscles, and build a solid foundation for any sport!

Before diving into the workout, let's explore the advantages of incorporating weighted calisthenics into your leg training:

Progressive Overload: Weighted calisthenics allows you to gradually increase training intensity by adding external weight (e.g., weight vest, backpack filled with books) to bodyweight exercises. This challenges your muscles to adapt and grow stronger.

Functional Strength: Calisthenics movements often mimic real-world actions, making your leg strength translate to improved athletic performance and better everyday functionality.


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How to Start Calisthenics: 8 Steps Beginner Ab Workout


How to Start Calisthenics: 8 Steps Beginner Ab Workout

Calisthenics, using your own bodyweight for resistance, is a fantastic way to build core strength and improve overall fitness.

It's accessible, requires minimal equipment, and offers a wide range of exercises targeting different muscle groups.

When it comes to calisthenics, a strong core is essential.

This blog post will guide you through eight beginner-friendly ab exercises, helping you build a solid foundation for a sculpted midsection.

Why Core Strength Matters

Your core, encompassing your abdominal muscles, lower back, and hips, is the powerhouse of your body. It provides stability during movement, protects your spine, and improves posture. A strong core translates to better performance in all aspects of exercise, from resistance training to running. Additionally, a strong core can help alleviate back pain and improve overall balance.

Unlocking Your Lower Abs: The Power of Knee Raises

Knee raises are a fundamental...

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How To Start Calisthenics: Your 5-Step Guide to Mastering Dips


How To Start Calisthenics: Your 5-Step Guide to Mastering Dips.

Dips are essential calisthenics upper body exercises.

They sculpt powerful triceps, engage your chest and shoulders, and build impressive upper body strength.

But mastering dips requires dedication, proper progression, and a solid foundation in bodyweight training.

This guide outlines a 5-step calisthenics progression specifically designed to propel you towards achieving full dips. It utilizes readily available equipment and focuses on progressive overload, gradually increasing the difficulty as you gain strength.

Remember, consistency is key!

Aim for 3 sessions per week minimum with rest days in between to allow your muscles to recover and rebuild stronger.

Step 1: Building the Base with Box Dips

Box dips are your gateway to achieving full dips. Find a sturdy bench or chair that allows you to comfortably lower yourself until your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle.

Here's how to perform box dips

  • Sit on the edge of...
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50% Complete

Two Step

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