Last week I shared Olivier's first muscle up.
This is the movement that changes everything once you are able to do it.
This week Nick also achieved his first muscle up, but also got a second one in a row, then attempted a third one!
That makes it his first muscle up set ever.
The major keys of that success are method and consistency.
I'm really proud to see everyone I coach being consistent with their workout journey and making progress.
Click here to watch Nick's first muscle up set ever!
If you are new, join the movement here!
The muscle up is one of the most iconic calisthenics movement, and put calisthenics on the fitness map.
Despite being very hard to achieve, it became somehow mainstream on social media and everyone wants to do it!
These are the main ingredients for success.
I put together a complete Muscle Up workout program in the app, so you can schedule...
Of EVERY kind.
Here I'll only address injuries, chronic pains, and posture deficiencies. The goal is to keep them MINOR, and reverse them.
I’ll only name a few but I trained with:
It's busy season, so last week I shared my Vegas trip and how I managed to workout "on the go".
These days, I don't always have time to get the perfect workout.
You can build up the reps as you want. I like the following splits:
Keep your form as clean as possible on each rep.
Click here to watch one of my sets!
I think you can imagine the amount of things that can go wrong there.
But, there are also very simple things we can do to stay healthy and feel energetic, even in Vegas!
Today I will share my personal trip, schedule and tips, so you can use it whenever you have to go somewhere for work.
Day 1 - From LA to Las Vegas.
The night before: 5 min nightly stretching routine (hips, shoulders, quads/hamstrings, back, wrists)
The most common mistake people make when training abs is using a single plane of motion, mainly the frontal plane, doing sit ups.
This DOES NOT work.
The core of the human body can bend forward, back, twist, go side to side, lift your legs, everything in between and much more.
Here are 3 unconventional calisthenics movements to add to your routine to build a well rounded and functional core muscles.
These moves are ideally performed on parallel bars or high parallettes. Click each link below.
I build ALL my programs following the rules and method I share with you weekly.
This is due to years of tennis over-training in my early days, coupled with the lack of proper prehab and conditioning at the time.
I am a great believer that without good healthy shoulders you can't achieve any proper workout results in the long term, no matter how strong you are.
Calisthenics is a great vehicle for mobility training as it requires to keep all joints at their optimal capacity.
The videos I am sharing here are a game changer. All you need is a wood stick.
Click below to check them out!
As you know, mobility is key, so practice daily.
Let's go!
If you are new, click here to join the best calisthenics coaching program!
Today, I wanted to talk about the 4 key elements that will make you better at working out, and get you results immediately.
1. Speed
There is no power without speed. You can have the most massive body, if there is no speed associated with it, the overall performance will suffer greatly.
Solution: always practice speed when you train. For example, go fast up on your pull ups and slower on the way down. Same for pretty much every movement.
Add plyometric exercises like sprints, jump lunges, wide jumps etc… to your leg day.
2. Mobility
This is what allows you to train with full range of motion, hence developing your full muscle mass.
Be able to move optimally is key to proper muscle development.
Solution: Daily focus on hips and shoulders first, then work on your smaller joints (wrists, knees, ankles). It takes 5 minutes per day.
I post mobility...
And we are ALL made entirely of it.
Knowing more about it is a crucial way to understand how your body mechanics work and get more results with your calisthenics workouts.
Check out this great 30 min video to dive into your own body through microscope videos.
Click here to watch the video!
A LOT of clients always wonder how to build a workout with calisthenics.
Today I am going to give you an easy way to figure it out.
Design your workouts around compound movements: pull ups, push ups, dips, squats and core hinges.
All variations of those moves are also compound movements.
Set the proper total amount of reps per day:
Divide this amount equally between each exercise, each day.
Don’t train the same thing every day.
Here is an example:
Get my Free Beginner Calisthenics Workout Program here!
The Online Calisthenics programs are made to save...
50% Complete
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