6 Calisthenics Plank Variations To Get Strong Abs

core workout tips Jun 26, 2023

6 Calisthenics Plank Variations To Get Strong Abs!

Today, we're going to focus on the importance of planks and the various variations you can incorporate into your routine.

Planks are often seen as a simple exercise, but there are actually many different ways to perform them, each targeting different muscles and adding new challenges to your workouts. So, let's get started with the different plank variations.

First, we have the Plank Forward Lean. In this variation, instead of keeping your shoulders over your hands, you lean slightly forward to create tension and activate your core. By shifting the position of your hands, you engage your core more effectively, which benefits movements like handstands, planches, and other challenging yoga poses. Remember to focus on keeping a straight line and avoid stacking your shoulders directly over your hands.

Next, we have the Superman Plank. In this variation, your arms are overhead, bringing your hands as far as your arms extend, creating more distance between your hands and feet. By doing this, you increase the engagement of your core and serratus muscles. Make sure to keep your glutes tight and maintain strong leg power throughout the movement. The more forward you position your hands, the more demanding the exercise becomes.

To add some width to your plank, you can try the Wide Forward Plank variation. While in a static plank position, widen your hands stance and place your fingers facing out, incorporating more shoulder and chest work. This variation is beneficial for improving your handstand and planche over time. You can experiment by leaning slightly forward in this variation to challenge your shoulders and engage your core even more. Increase the stance width as you get better.

Now, let's move to the Elbow Plank. This variation involves stacking your elbows under your shoulders, but with a slight angle. Similar to the previous variations, adjusting the angle adds more core engagement. Experiment with the angle that works best for you, whether by moving your elbows slightly forward or leaning back a bit. The key is to feel the activation in your core and find the right progression for your level.

To intensify your plank, try the Power Plank. In this version, place your hands 30 inches in front of you and squeeze them as hard as you can throughout the exercise. This action fires up your nervous system, making the exercise more challenging and fatiguing. It's recommended to perform the power squeeze at the end of your plank to maximize the activation and overall tension in your body.

Now, let's talk about Shoulder and Elbow Taps. This movement adds some dynamic elements to your classic plank. While performing a plank, alternate tapping your shoulders and elbows without excessive rocking or swinging. Focus on tightening your core, tilting your pelvis backward, and engaging your legs to maintain a straight line. The goal is to make the taps seamless and controlled, challenging your core stability. DO NOT SWING side to side will taping.

Lastly, we have the Reverse Plank. For this plank you have to lay with your hands behind you and your torso facing the ceiling. This variation activates your back muscles more prominently while also requiring coordination.

The goal is to keep your core engaged and do not let the hips sag down.

Here is a recap  so you can Incorporate these variations into your routine. Focus on maintaining clean form and proper alignment: 

1/ Classic forward lean plank: beginner-intermediate

2/ Superman plank: intermediate

3/ Wide grip plank: intermediate

4/ Elbow plank: beginner-intermediate

5/ Shoulder & elbow taps: beginner-intermediate

6/ Reversed plank: intermediate

Here are some ways to increase the level on each exercise:

- Add time to your holds, to increase the level. 

- Increase the amount of sets you do. 

- Use steeper angles (forward, backward, width) 

Remember to listen to your body, adjust the difficulty level, and strive for progression. 

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