5 Reasons Why People Often Struggle to Achieve Their Fitness Goals

workout tips Jun 22, 2023

5 Reasons Why People Often Struggle to Achieve Their Fitness Goals!

Today, we're going to discuss the main reasons why people often struggle to achieve their desired results in their fitness journey.

It's common for individuals to feel motivated at the beginning of the year, or when they decide to adopt a healthier lifestyle and set resolutions to improve themselves. 

However, somewhere along the way, they tend to fall short and struggle to reach their goals. In my experience, this lack of progress has five main reasons. So, let's delve into them.

The first reason many people fail to achieve their desired results is quite simple: they don't train enough. 

When starting any form of training, it's often recommended to begin slowly and gradually increase intensity. While this approach is important, once you've familiarized yourself with the movements and techniques, it's crucial to ramp up your training. You don't need to wait years to see progress; instead, increase your training volume and speed as soon as possible. Both factors play a significant role in your overall progress. Allow me to provide an example of a recommended workout.

Here's how to make your beginner to intermediate calisthenics workout program .

A good workout regimen consists of six training sessions per week, which is a reasonable amount for those aiming for success. However, it doesn't mean you have to train every day in the same manner. 

Vary your training approach while maintaining a high metabolism and stimulating your body to burn calories and recover effectively. Remember, volume and speed during your workouts are crucial factors. Whether you follow our online plans or create your own, ensure you incorporate enough volume by gradually increasing your reps and maintaining proper form.

Now, let's move on to the second reason people often struggle with achieving results: speed.

When you train, set the intention to perform your exercises with some speed. This doesn't mean compromising form or executing movements incorrectly. Rather, it means performing them at a faster pace. The speed at which you move during your training significantly impacts your future results. Even if slow and controlled movements can be effective for advanced individuals performing heavy-weight exercises, they still think of a maxed out, fast contraction. 

Training with speed is vital. It helps combine both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers, resulting in optimal results. Embrace this approach in your daily workouts, and you'll notice increased metabolism, improved recovery, and enhanced results.

Moving on to the third focus today: nutrition. 

It goes without saying that training without proper nutrition yields minimal results. Caloric deficit is key to achieving leanness and shedding body fat. So, make sure you're consuming fewer calories than you burn. It may sound simple, but many individuals overlook this principle. Properly timing your meals plays a crucial role in achieving a calorie deficit. Consider adopting the following timing strategy: consume a substantial breakfast, followed by a moderate lunch, and a smaller dinner. This approach aids in achieving a calorie deficit more efficiently.

Also, focus on the quality of your food. Opt for nutrient-dense options and replace unhealthy choices with healthier alternatives. Nutrient-dense foods provide the necessary elements to support muscle growth and overall tissue repair. Remember, proper nutrition is key to sustaining energy levels, avoiding sugar crashes, and achieving desired results.

Additionally, let's not forget the importance of hydration. 

Drinking sufficient water is crucial for proper bodily function and drainage. Aim for 2 to 3.5 liters of water per day, depending on your gender, size, activity level. Drinking an adequate amount of water promotes overall well-being and complements your training and nutrition efforts.

Lastly, I want to address the significant impact of sleep on your results. 

As someone who used to have poor sleep patterns, I cannot stress enough how important getting enough sleep is. It has the power to completely transform your life. When you suffer from poor sleep, it leads to an increase in cortisol production throughout the night. 

Cortisol, released due to lack of sleep, triggers a biological response that causes your body to store fat. This mechanism is designed to help you survive in challenging situations, like being lost in a mountain. In such cases, your body conserves fat to keep you warm and ensure survival. 

However, in the comfort of our modern lives, we don't need this survival system activated. So, it's essential to prioritize getting sufficient sleep.

Ideally, aim to sleep before 12 a.m., with the best sleep hours falling between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. 

Try to get a minimum of four hours of sleep during these crucial hours as frequently as possible. By doing so, you'll not only prevent excessive cortisol production but also provide your body with ample time to reach the deep sleep state and repair itself. This means you'll wake up feeling less sore and your muscles, as well as other soft tissues like tendons, will benefit from improved recovery.

Remember, proper sleep is an integral part of training effectively. It's one of the complementary factors that contribute to your overall success.

Implementing good sleep habits is relatively simple and easy.

Alongside your workout regimen, focus on eating well and sleeping early. If you struggle to fall asleep, there are methods you can try, such as stretching, mobility and breathing. exercises. 

These principles have guided the way our programs are designed.

Join Online Calisthenics and access ALL programs here if you are new!


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