6 Calisthenics Push Ups For Chest And Triceps

push ups workout tips Jun 13, 2023

6 Calisthenics Push Ups For Chest And Triceps!

Here are 6 push ups variations that will help you target the chest and triceps at home. 

These home chest and triceps workout sets are good for intermediate calisthenics practitioners.

You can also use them if you are an "advanced"  beginner and want to break a plateau in your push up training.

There are a lot of different push ups and this selection is an introduction to more. This is made to trigger more angles and add variations to your traditional push up routine. 

Use these alternatives in your workout sets. You can also add isometric holds at the end of each set. Calisthenics allow us to train at any level so this bodyweight chest workout without equipment can be used by everyone.

1/ Neutral grip, fist push ups: doing push ups with your fists closed helps building forearm strength along with more direct impact on the triceps and chest. We are pushing with less surface than the palm of the hand so this adds an extra challenge to the movement. You can also use low parallettes or your own fists with a towel, on the floor as an alternative. This variation forces you to engage your forearm and maintain an active grip throughout the movement. Remember to protract your scapula at the top of the movement and keep your head up.

2/ Pronated 45 Degree Fist Grip (closed grip): For this variation, you can adjust the angle of your parallettes or hands slightly inward (45 degree in). This change in angle targets the chest muscles differently and helps to emphasize chest activation. Remember to protract your scapula, round your shoulders, and maintain a full range of motion.

this variation helps trigger the chest muscle a bit more and also offer the close fists benefits to the overall movement. You can use low parallettes or your own fists with a towel on the floor as an alternative.

3/ Supinated 45 Degree Fist Grip (open grip): This time, your fist is closed with your palms facing forward (45 degrees out), providing external rotation for the shoulders and emphasizing the triceps. Maintain proper form by keeping your elbows facing forward throughout the movement.

This grip helps putting the focus on your triceps and core. With less help from the bigger chest muscle group you will add a challenge to your pushing skill.

You can use low parallettes or your own fists with a towel on the floor as an alternative.

4/ Wide Grip Push ups: great to trigger the chest muscles, the wide grip variation is also a good tool to build shoulder strength.

Keep your elbows tucked in and your hands positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lean forward to engage your chest effectively and round your back at the top to engage your back muscles.


5/ Narrow or Diamond Grip Push Ups: great for triceps and core work. Make sure to keep your hands low, under your chest when performing these. Placing your hands too high will cause neck and shoulder pain over time and reduce your range of motion. Finish your movement with a good protraction of the shoulders at the top.


6/ Classic Clap Push Ups: This exercise focuses on speed and explosiveness. Perform a basic clap by pushing off the ground with enough force to allow your hands to come off briefly. Use your core to elevate yourself and land smoothly by absorbing the impact with your triceps, chest, and back. No fancy trick here but the ability to react fast and perform explosive movements.


Try the following sets:

-Beginners: 10 repetitions of each kind (6 sets) + Isometric Plank at the end of each set

-Intermediate: 20 reps x 6 sets + Iso Plank

-Advanced: 10 down to 1 rep, superset each kind (10 x 6, 9 x 6, 8 x 6...1 x 6)

Incorporating these variations into your training routine can be highly beneficial. You can perform them at the beginning of your workout for a power-focused session or mix them with regular push-ups to challenge yourself. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and pace as you progress.

Remember, proper form and technique are crucial.

Pay attention to protracting your scapula, rounding your shoulders at the top, and engaging the relevant muscle groups for each variation. 

Stay tuned for more.

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