Replace 15 Bad Foods With These Good Foods

nutrition Jul 13, 2023

Replace 15 Bad Foods With These Good Foods!

Today, we're shifting gears and focusing on a topic that plays a vital role in achieving your fitness goals: food. 

In this post, we'll explore how to replace 15 unhealthy food choices with better alternatives that are both nutritious and delicious. 

As they say, abs are made in the kitchen, and this information will help you make smarter choices to support your workout progress.

Now, let's dive into the details of :

  •  Canned Tomato Sauce: Instead of using store-bought tomato sauce, which often contains high sugar and sodium, opt for fresh tomatoes. While fresh tomatoes should be consumed in moderation due to their potential inflammatory properties and high sugar, they also provide health benefits and are a tastier option for dishes like bolognese.
  •  Microwave Popcorn: Microwave popcorn is packed with chemicals and additives that are bad for your health. Swap it out for organic pop corn kernels, popped in a sauce pan with coconut oil. Or roasted nuts like almonds and sunflower seeds. These are flavorful, crunchy alternatives that you can season with spices like cinnamon or nutmeg.
  •  Soy Sauce: Most commercial soy sauce varieties are high in sodium and often made from genetically modified soybeans. Look for low-sodium and organic options to minimize the negative impacts of excessive sodium intake.
  •  Granola Bars: Many granola bars marketed as healthy snacks are loaded with carbs and disguised as nutritious options. In reality, they're more like candies. Instead, opt for a simple and natural alternative: a banana or an apple. These humble fruits provide a tasty, wholesome snack that will nourish your body.
  •  Margarine and Vegetable Oils: Vegetable oils, including margarine and palm oil, are high in trans fats and are not ideal for your health. Instead, choose raw butter, organic olive oil, or coconut oil as healthier fat options.
  •  Ketchup: Traditional ketchup is high in sugar, particularly high fructose corn syrup derived from genetically modified corn. Replace it with mustard, which adds peps to dishes and pairs well with various foods.
  •  Bagels: Bagels have a high glycemic index, making them less suitable as a bread option. Swap them for sourdough bread, which undergoes fermentation, resulting in improved digestion and a better impact on your overall health.
  •  Fruit Juice: Fruit juice is loaded with sugars and lacks fiber. It's one of the most heavily processed food products. Rather than juicing fruits, enjoy the whole fruit itself or infuse your water with slices of organic lemons, strawberries, or mint for a refreshing twist.
  •  Frostings: Frostings commonly found on processed foods are best avoided due to their ultra high sugar content. Opt for plain baked goods instead, enjoying their natural flavors without the added sugary layer.
  •  Berries and Apples: When consuming berries and apples, choose organic options to minimize pesticide exposure since these fruits tend to act as sponges when sprayed. Although organic produce may still contain some pesticides, the list is significantly shorter and healthier compared to conventional options.
  •  Coleslaw: Coleslaw is one of the worst food option, often high in fat, primarily due to mayonnaise content. Instead, create a creamy avocado salad by adding half an avocado to your greens. It offers the same creamy satisfaction while being a healthier choice.
  •  Sodas: Soda consumption is a common habit, but it's killing your gains and detrimental to your health. Replace sodas with organic lemon water, infuse it with mint or other fruits for added flavor, and reap the benefits of staying hydrated.
  •  Vitamin Water and Supplement Drinks: These drinks are loaded with added sugars and provide little nutritional value. Choose plain water as your go-to beverage for optimal hydration. You can use organic coconut water post workout!
  •  Packaged Cereals: All cereals are garbage. They are high in sugar and often contain genetically modified ingredients. Opt for plain oatmeal and customize it to your liking with natural toppings like peanut or almond butter, maple syrup or honey, and fresh fruits.
  •  Ranch Dressing: Ranch dressing is terrible for anyone. It’s high in fat, sugar, and sodium, and provides no real nutritional value. Choose a simple vinaigrette dressing instead, such as lemon balsamic, to enhance the taste of your salads without the unnecessary additives.

By making these healthier food swaps, you'll notice positive changes in your overall well-being and progress towards your fitness goals. 

Here are more tips on how to achieve your fitness goals!

Remember, it's a gradual process, so be patient with yourself. 

Access my calisthenics course and nutrition programs here if you are new!


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