How To Get Your First Muscle Up

How To Get Your First Muscle Up!

The muscle up is one of the most iconic calisthenics movement, and put calisthenics on the fitness map.

Despite being very hard to achieve, it became somehow mainstream on social media and everyone wants to do it!

The secret is to break down the movement into different sections, and train them until you feel good with each move:

  1. Start with the "take off" phase: practice lat pull downs, tuck levers, front lever raises
  2. The pulling phase: practice lots of explosive pull ups (sets of 15+)
  3. The transition phase from pulling to pushing: practice mid range hangs and short range pull ups
  4. The pushing phase: practice single bar dips (sets of 15+)
  5. Muscle up with bands: put everything together with a resistance, train until you "feel the movement" and get better at it, then start trying without the bands.

These are the main ingredients for success.

I put together a complete Muscle Up workout program in the app, so you can schedule your workouts in details and achieve your first muscle up.

So follow the program like Olivier did!

He achieved his first, non-assisted muscle up, last Monday, and it was pure happiness!

Click here to watch his first muscle up!


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