5 Calisthenics Training Rules for Great Results

5 Calisthenics Training Rules for Great Results!

Last we week we spoke about the best calisthenics training patterns.

In a nutshell, how many sets and reps to do, to get results when you workout.

In addition to how many reps to do, the "What and How" we do these sets and reps matters just as much.

So here are the 5 calisthenics training rules to follow for optimum workouts.

1 - Use full body training as a staple method

Combine pulling and pushing, legs work front and back. Also apply high intensity for each repetition and deep, long muscle contraction to optimize your training. 

2 - Train your core everyday

For 5 to 10 min with intensity.

3 - Train antagonist movements

Train muscles that work together. Aim for pushing after pulling for example. Start with the hardest exercises and sets of your training. Start with pull up sets before your push ups, or muscle ups before pull ups, for example.

4 - Use rather short rest time

Rest time plays a crucial role in training results. Minimize rest time to increase performance overtime. Aim for 15-30 sec between sets, 30 sec-1 min between exercises. 

Note that you can extend rest time up to 3 minutes if you are working on hard static sets and/or reps.

5 - Use progressive overload

Progressively add reps, time or harder movements to your sets and routines once you feel comfortable with a training pattern and/or a movement.

Implement these 5 foundation rules as well as the best training patterns to build your workouts for great results!


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