Best Calisthenics Movements To Unleash Strength and Mass Gains

The Best Calisthenics Movements To Boost Strength and Mass!

Today, we're going to discuss four of the best movements to build strength and mass through calisthenics and bodyweight training.

With just a few adjustments to your foundational movements, you can take your training to the next level and achieve incredible strength gains.

Consistency is key when performing these movements, so let's dive right in.

Let's start with wide pull-ups. 

The pull-up is already a highly effective exercise for building strength, but by making a simple adjustment and widening your grip, you open up new possibilities for enhancing your strength, technique, and overall abilities. This adjustment places greater emphasis on your lat muscles, allowing them to grow and become stronger. By incorporating wide pull-ups into your routine, you'll notice improvements not only in your pull-up game but also in other exercises like muscle-ups, the human flag, handstands, and overhead presses. I highly recommend going wide on your pull-ups to take your training to the next level. Now, let's go into the details of this movement.

When performing wide pull-ups, make sure to use a false grip and keep your rib cage tucked in while tilting your pelvis forward. It's essential to shrug your lats and keep your feet together throughout the exercise. Remember to bring your chin over the bar and focus on scapula activation. To get the most out of this exercise, I suggest incorporating it into a circuit with the other movements we'll discuss today. You can perform 10 reps of each exercise back-to-back, then rest for a few minutes before reducing the reps and repeating the circuit. This will provide a challenging workout and leave you feeling the burn. Now, let's continue with pull-ups.

You can also experiment with the behind-the-neck variation of pull-ups, which adds an extra strength component to the movement. This variation is particularly challenging on the forearms but highly beneficial overall. Pay attention to your scapula position during wide pull-ups. It's crucial to depress and retract your scapula together while keeping them low throughout the entire range of motion. Don't forget to shrug your shoulders to initiate the movement and ensure your chin goes over the bar. Focus on scapula activation for optimal results. Wide pull-ups are a game changer, so be sure to include them in your training routine.

Next up, we have single bar dips. Many people perform regular dips, but the single bar dip is often overlooked or unknown to many. However, it is also a game changer when it comes to building strength. Single bar dips activate your forearms effectively and prevent cheating during the exercise. Maintaining proper form throughout the movement is crucial for optimal results. When performing single bar dips, keep your wrists high, bring your chest all the way down to the bar, and avoid arching your back. Keep your rib cage tucked in and your pelvis tilted to engage your abdomen and glutes. Protract your scapula and shoulders forward at the top of the movement to engage your core. Focus on maintaining this engagement throughout the dynamic movement. Regular practice will lead to progress. Let's see how it works in practice.

Remember to face your biceps forward at the top of the movement, as this keeps your shoulders open and allows you to round your back and engage your core. Pay attention to your breathing, inhaling at the bottom and exhaling on the way up. These details are crucial for maximizing the benefits of single bar dips. Include them in your training routine to achieve great results.

Now, let's move on to the humble push-up. To take your classic push-up to the next level, all you need to do is narrow down your hand placement. This variation is often called the diamond push-up, and it's a fantastic exercise for intensifying your push-up routine. While the diamond refers to an ultra-narrow hand placement, if you're unable to do it perfectly, you can go slightly wider within your shoulder width. This variation helps prevent your elbows from flaring out, which is something you want to avoid. Throughout the movement, focus on keeping your elbows tucked in. Round your back, tuck your pelvis, and engage your core, just like you do during dips. Many people sag on the way down and only correct their form on the way up. Aim to maintain proper form during both phases of the exercise to make optimal progress. Additionally, when performing diamond push-ups, lean forward a bit more than you would in a regular push-up. This prevents excessive activation of the traps and maintains proper shoulder position. Let's see how it works.

Maintain a hollow body "rounded back" throughout the entire range of motion, keeping your elbows tucked in. Ensure that your hands are at chest level and not positioned too high, which can hinder mobility and engage your traps too much. Focus on exhaling as you push up and tucking your rib cage and pelvis at the top of the movement. Diamond push-ups are a game changer, so be sure to incorporate them into your routine.

Lastly, let's discuss banded squats. Squats are already a great exercise, but many people neglect proper glute activation. Not only should you aim to reach sufficient depth during squats, but you should also focus on preventing your knees from collapsing inward. Push your knees outward throughout the entire movement, especially at the bottom, to maximize glute activation. For those who find squats becoming easier, adding a resistance band can make a significant difference. In the video, I'm using a heavy band that may not look intense, but it provides a substantial challenge and forces my glutes to work harder. When performing banded squats, maintain a straight back, ensure your knees track over your toes, and focus on glute activation by pushing your hips down. Keep your pelvis tilted and your feet grounded properly. Remember, at the top of the movement, tuck your rib cage and pelvis just as we did in the other exercises.

Exhale as you come up and maintain that tilt at the top. It's important to keep your back rounded and avoid overarching. Banded squats are an excellent way to activate your glutes effectively. Incorporate this movement into your routine and notice the progress.

To wrap it up, today we covered wide pull-ups, single bar dips, narrow push-ups, and banded squats. These exercises are highly efficient for building strength, and I promise you'll see results if you remain consistent. Don't just perform them once and return to your regular routine. Implement these movements as often as possible to maximize your progress. 

Keep in mind that all these movements are included in our programs at We offer monthly and yearly memberships as well as personal calisthenics training, with access to a wealth of content, including hundreds of videos and various workouts. 

Check out our programs and take your training to the next level!


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