Love The Process

mindset Jul 24, 2023

Love The Process.

In a world that promotes instant gratification, pushes for short cuts and quick success, it's good to remember that hard work beats talent. 

Everyone is quick displaying skills and physiques that take years to achieve, so it's important to remember the effort it takes to accomplish certain things. 

Some may be faster than others, but real, tangible results can only be achieved with proper dedicated time. 

So don't believe the hype and the bullsh*t quick results that are being shown and sold on social media.

As an example, it took me 3+ years to get a clean muscle up, coming from the regular gym training at 10 “OK” pull ups. 

It took me 4 years to hold a front lever and a decent back lever. 

Took me 5 years to get an OK flag, more like 6 years to get it decent. 

I have been practicing handstands for 7+ years and am barely OK.

I'm still learning everyday.

Embrace the struggle, don't put a timeline on your goals, love the progress.

Get ALL calisthenics programs and coaching here if you are new!


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