Simple Calisthenics Ab Workout

online calisthenics Jul 29, 2023

I use this as a calisthenics workout finisher.

This is a great move that will fire your entire body (lats, serratus, core, glutes, legs).

Lie in a hollow body position on the floor. Place a resistance band under your lower back/glutes and pull both ends up with your arms straight up, palms facing up! 

Lift your legs up, straight, pointing your toes in front of you a few inches from the floor.

Hold from there.

Alternate hollow body holds and leg flutters. Go for 5 rounds of 30 sec to 1 min each.

Use a resistance band that challenges you enough so you can hold it for 30 seconds.

Hold a water bottle in each hand or any weighted object if you don't have bands.

Increase resistance, reps, time as you progress.

Pair this exercise with some superman holds and/or scorpio raises.

Your abs are going to burn!

Get ALL calisthenics workout programs and coaching here if you are new!


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