Survival of The Fittest? Really?

mindset workout tips Aug 29, 2023

Survival of The Fittest? Really?

It’s bullsh*t.

In the real world, it’s the most adaptable that survive.

T-Rex are extinct while small rat-looking mammals that lived underground for thousands of years now dominate the world.

Insects and octopuses are adaptation masters which have been around for hundreds of millions of years.

The biggest guy does not always win when endurance come in play.

David beat Goliath.

Even Thanos loses at the end!

You get the point.

You have to be “agile” in the way you approach things in order to finish on top.

It’s great to be the fittest too, to have the perfect plan, with the perfect timing and nutrition intake that goes along with it. Last but not least perfect sleep.

However, it just does not really happen in real life, thus the need to adapt to the conditions we are facing at that exact moment.

We all have unexpected changes of situations that occur from time to time.

The key is to know how to handle those changes.

So while you should always aim for the perfect workout and lifestyle schedule as often as you can, here are great ways to get around any training issue you might face! 

  • You don’t have time today for a full workout? Go for a 12 minutes (4 rounds of 3 minutes) Calisthenics HiiT - Pull-push-leg-core.
  • You can’t do that movement that you would love to do yet? Use an easier movement progression first and/or assistance, like a resistance band, or a box to to step up and hang from a bar, for example.
  • You have a small injury that bothers you? Work on your other side, and/or whatever part that is not connected to or trigger your injury.
  • You are exhausted that day, your energy is low and you can’t push 100%?  Go for a light 15 min run or walk, 30 minutes of Yogasthenics and core and 5 minutes of breathing cool down.
  • You are traveling or going out? Stay focused on eating healthy delicious foods and making the best choices. Explore the best options even if you are at the airport!
  • It’s your rest day and you feel like doing nothing? Do 10 minutes of active mobility and breathing outside.

There is always a way!

Get ALL my calisthenics training programs and coaching here if you are new!


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