Unlock the Fountain of Youth with these Calisthenics Secrets

Unlock the Fountain of Youth with these Calisthenics Secrets!

Let's talk about the key to longevity and how to unleash your workout potential through calisthenics and speed training.

Today, I want to share my two all-time favorite exercises for crafting mind-blowing speed and unparalleled eye-hand coordination.

1 - Sprinting

Did you know that 75% of the population never sprints ever again after turning 30?

That’s right! It is an insane number when you realize it.

So you’d better make sure you don’t fall into that category, ever!

Sprinting will boost your cardio strength, testosterone levels and build strong resilient legs.

How to sprint properly?

When sprinting focus on the following:

  • Hitting the ground right in front of you (about one foot forward) and avoid reaching out too far in front of you.
  • Lifting your knees high on each step
  • Never hitting the ground with your heels
  • Hitting the ground hard with the front of your foot to generate as much power as possible on each step
  • Propelling/pushing yourself through your big toes after you hit the ground
  • Pulling up your foot high behind you after hitting the ground
  • Keep your arms moving strong with a 90 degree angle

How to train sprinting?

Set a distance of about 60 yards and proceed as follow:

  • Warm up and technique x 3 sets 
  • 50% speed sets x 3 sets
  • 80% speed sets x 3 sets
  • Back pedal (running backwards) on the way back for each set

Adjust the distance, intensity and amount of sets as needed depending on your level.

Bring a friend with you to make it more fun and challenging!

Watch the video here.

2- Speed Bag training

Speed bag training is an amazing tool to develop speed, eye-hand coordination and shoulder strength.

If you don’t have access to a boxing gym or speed bag platform near you, you can always get one online and set it in your home gym for a very decent price.

How to hit the bag

  • Stay relatively close to the bag
  • Hit the bag with your shoulders as relaxed as possible
  • If you are a beginner, practice hits with one hand then the other hand
  • Then put both hands together once you get the feel for it.
  • If you can already hit the bag, make sure to mix up your sets and change your rhythm through every set. You can alternate triplets, singles, and doubles to name a few.

How to train with the speed bag

  • Set a timer for 1-3 minutes and hit the bag as good as you can during the round.
  • Repeat for 10-15 rounds.
  • Adjust time and amount of rounds depending on your level.

Watch some examples here!

Stay fast, stay forever young!

Let’s go!


PS: Join Online Calisthenics and access all our programs here if you are new!


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