Toxic Myths You Believe In

Toxic Myths You Believe In!

Today, we'll cover the 3 toxic myths about fitness and health that all beginners MUST break away from in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle and get the strong body they want. 

Getting your mindset right is the #1 thing you have to conquer if you want to succeed in getting the body you want. As the popular saying goes, "You are your worst enemy and best asset" ;)

From serving many customers and 1:1 private clients from all walks of life over the last 8 years, I can tell you that the best and most successful customers are those with the right mindset and attitude, who have the right beliefs about long term health and fitness.

It's myth-busters time, my friend!

Time to re-align your perspectives and make things right.

Myth #1: "I can get strong and lean without intense efforts”

Most fitness fads and courses are designed to create the short term illusion that 4-8 weeks of mild exercise will work for beginners and get them the body their trainer has.

It’s easier to believe that a simple 4 or 8 week plan will work, rather than make a real mindset change for life, towards long term goals.

The truth is any long term goal starts with an 8 week plan. But we all need much more than that. Once the 8 weeks are over, we need to repeat that pattern, learn new exercises and increase the difficulty of all our workouts.

This is why I built a full course that covers months and months of work rather than a short term 8 week “magical” plan.

Myth #2: “I need to adapt my diet to my body type" 

This is NOT true. 

It’s very important to understand that body types are complete bullsh*t.

They were first imagined by William Sheldon, who invented what is now known as body types. He was not an anatomist, instead he was a behavioral psychologist and thus the core of his theory lay in associating the three somatotypes with temperament types.

Lots of trainers rely on this lie to sell easy, one-size-fits-all programs. If you are this, do that, and it will work.

We all have genetics that determine our physique and we can all improve our body composition and health, no matter what our body currently looks like.

Progressive overload training, solid mindset and eat lots of nutrient dense foods are the best tools in our arsenal to achieve any fitness goal. Setting the proper targets is also very important: gaining muscle mass requires a caloric surplus while getting lean and toned needs a caloric deficit.

Making the right choice of healthy foods and eating according to your end goal is the real solution.

I have personally had customers who are just like you, who still made it work, so I know that you can too! 

Myth #3: “My body is not flexible”

I can totally understand why someone would believe in this as I’ve been there myself, but I have seen time and again that you can get flexible by getting stronger.

Once again, thinking something is impossible is an easy way to avoid the problem. It’s just “the way it is”. So why work on it? Right!

The comfort zone, is where people like to stay, no matter who they are. Wether you are a beginner or already training, it’s comforting to think, you were just born this way. That means you can keep doing what you already do and don’t need to improve your routine or learn new things.

The truth is we all need to be flexible! This is NOT negotiable.

Flexibility is actually related to strength. If you can’t touch your toes this means your joints need a lot of strength work, no matter what your body looks like! Try my Yogasthenics program to get strong AND flexible!

Why is believing in these 3 myths problematic? 

Because believing in these 3 myths will stop you from taking action the right action. Your confidence gets affected, you don't seek guidance, and subsequently, you don't transform your body and health as a result. 

As someone who does that for a living, I have seen breakthrough after breakthrough and I know that is not difficult to get lean, strong and flexible, people just don't have the right guidance to succeed when it comes to most workout programs.

Many people search for information online fruitlessly, and when that doesn't work, they give up. I don’t want you to give up because I can you can do this! 

How else will there be millions of people in good shape if it was so hard? So they are all geniuses? No... they did it by getting the right coach, the right resources and through pure hard work! 

So take heart. You can do this! Don't for a second doubt yourself. 

PS: sign up for your calisthenics course trial if you are new!


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