Venice Beach Calisthenics Games - Results & Replay

Venice Beach Calisthenics Games - Results & Replay!

The Venice Beach Calisthenics Games took place last Saturday and the results are in!

The Sets and Reps Competition had about 50 participants (men and women) competing for the most reps possible in pull ups, push ups and dips.

Form had to be clean for the repetitions to be counted as valid. 

Each movement had to be performed with full range of motion (elbow lock out) and in one go (no pause or stopping allowed).

Some really strong athletes took part in the event! The rules were strict with everyone.

And the results are here!

Men's winners

  • Pull ups: 29
  • Push ups: 75
  • Dips: 60

Women's winners

  • Pull ups: 12
  • Push ups: 39
  • Dips: 18

These numbers are solid given that no breaks were allowed at all! Any repetition that wasn't clean was NOT counted. 

Overall the energy was really high the whole day.

The afternoon was the amateur freestyle session!

Watch some cool tricks in the IG Live Replays here!

It was a great time, seeing...

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Become An Expert at Pull Ups

pull ups workout tips Jul 26, 2023

Become An Expert at Pull Ups!

Do pull ups. All day, everyday. For the rest of your life.

It doesn't mean you have to do the same workout everyday. But the back is very often over looked and under trained!

So practice pulling in all forms and shapes as much as you can. 

Lifting your body off the ground and the ease at which you do it, is one of the best fitness and strength test out there.

I have seen many great pro athletes struggling with pull ups. 

My point is that this is a hard skill for just EVERYBODY. 

That doesn't mean dont' do it. This means train more and get good at it!

Become a Pull up expert!

Here is how:

  • If you are starting your calisthenics journey, use easier variations such as Australian row, pull ups with band assistance or high bar shrug pull ups.
  • If you are progressing into more advanced variations, add more reps, use harder moves such as typewriter pull ups. Use pyramid and ladder training to apply progressive overload.
  • If you are...
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Prioritize Your Back Muscles

pull ups workout tips Jul 21, 2023

Prioritize Your Back Muscles!

The most important things are often the ones you can't see.

A common illusion was set by the over marketed fitness industry, letting most people wanting big chests, big biceps and square abs. All of these are fine, besides the fact that this needs to start with a shredded back.

Back muscles are usually underrated and underworked. However they are the most important muscle chain in the upper body.

Besides all the functional benefits from having a solid back (this would require an entire bio-mechanic blog post), this muscle chain is also in charge of keeping your spine happy, which holds your skull, which contains your brain. 

Needless to explain further why a strong back matters.

Here is how to make pull ups and pulling variations a staple component of your workout routines!

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Join the Fun: Venice Beach Calisthenics Games 2023

pull ups push ups Jul 21, 2023

The First Ever Venice Beach Calisthenics Games 2023!

Mark your calendars for the exciting Venice Beach Calisthenics Games 2023 on July 29th!

The entire beach will be transformed into a giant summer camp, filled with energy.

And here's the best part – it's a FREE event, open to everyone who wishes to participate.

Prepare for a great "sets and reps" competition, where the ultimate challenge is to perform as many repetitions of each exercise as possible without taking a break.

The competitor with the cleanest and most repetitions will be crowned the champion!

The primary focus is on executing each move with impeccable form, which means that bad form reps will not count. To guarantee fairness, our judges will be present to carefully assess each participant's performance.

Here the list of movements for the competition:

  •  Max Pull-ups
  •  Max Dips
  •  Max Push-ups
  •  Max Handstand Hold
  •  Max L-sit Hold
  •  Max Deadhang Hold

You can pick up to 3 movements you wish...

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3 Tips To Instantly Improve Your Pull Ups

pull ups workout tips Jul 17, 2023

3 Tips To Instantly Improve Your Pull Ups!

Do this to instantly improve your pull-ups. 

Let's get started!

  •  Scapula Pull-Ups: Mastering the scapular pull-up is crucial for developing proper pull-up form. Focus on engaging your scapula, also known as your shoulder blades is CRUCIAL. To do so, hang under a pull up bar, keep your arms straight and do “mini-pulling repetitions” without bending your arms. This requires you to depress your shoulders all the way down and then pull them back up without bending your arms. Your shoulder blades should be down and squeezed together when you are at the top of the pull up, then they come up and apart as you are going down. This isolates the movement around your scapula. Keep your head up, arms straight, and emphasize the shrugging motion as you pull. Add a hold at the end of each set. This foundational exercise sets the stage for a better pull-up technique.

Go for 5-10 reps x 5 sets. Adjust as needed.

  •  Isometric...
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3 Calisthenics Exercises To Get Strong and Healthy Shoulders

3 Calisthenics Exercises To Get Strong and Healthy Shoulders!

Today, we're going to dive into an essential topic: building strong shoulders.

Strong shoulders are crucial for overall upper body strength and contribute significantly to your overall body strength. So, let's take some time to discuss the key factors that will help you develop robust and powerful shoulders.

To kick things off, we'll start with a mobility drill called the Shoulder Dislocates with a stick. This drill is designed to improve shoulder mobility and ensure that you can achieve full range of motion. Lack of mobility often restricts people's ability to fully express their shoulder strength, leading to less than satisfactory results. 

For this exercise, all you need is a stick or a broom. Stand straight and hold the stick it front of you with a grip wider than shoulder-width. The goal is to move the stick behind you and as low as possible, while rolling your shoulder blades and engaging your...

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How To Unlock Your First Pull Ups with Calisthenics

pull ups workout tips Jun 29, 2023

How To Unlock Your First Pull Ups with Calisthenics!

When it comes to getting started with pull-ups, it's important to follow a progressive approach.

Many feel intimidated by pull-ups and may prefer alternative exercises to build strength and confidence.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you develop the necessary strength and technique for pull-ups.

  •  Warm-up: Begin with a warm-up exercise called the "pull apart" using a light resistance band. Perform 10+ reps from different angles to engage your scapula and shoulder blades.
  •  Front Row/Bent Row: Use a resistance band to perform the front row exercise, focusing on good lat activation and proper form. Gradually increase the resistance as you progress.
  •  Doorway Pull-up: Use a lower bar or rail in a park setting as an alternative to a pull-up bar. Perform Australian pull-ups or inverted rows, alternating grips to balance the workload.
  •  Scapula Retraction: Lay on the floor, face down, and perform scapula retractions...
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6 Effective Calisthenics Exercises to Develop Your Back Muscles

6 Effective Calisthenics Exercises to Develop Your Back Muscles!

Today, we're going to discuss effective ways to develop your back muscles using bodyweight calisthenics workouts.

Building a strong back through calisthenics is not only versatile but also highly efficient. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or more advanced, there are exercises suitable for everyone. Let's dive into some of these exercises starting from the beginner level and gradually progressing to more advanced variations.

We'll begin with the Scorpio and Superman superset, which requires zero equipment. This exercise is fantastic for enhancing scapular strength, crucial for your upper back and lower back sections. Start by lying on your belly and lift your arms and chest off the ground. To engage your lower back, raise your feet as well. Superset the Superman with the Scorpio variation by pulling your scapula together and bringing your arms from straight to a 90 degree angle, pointing your feet up...

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3 Ways To Do Chin Ups: From Beginner to Advanced Calisthenics

3 Ways To Do Chin Ups: From Beginner to Advanced Calisthenics!

Today, we're going to delve into the world of chin-ups.

Chin-ups are commonly used as a less demanding variation of pull-ups. 

However, there are ways to intensify them and take on a fresh challenge once you've mastered the classic chin-up. 

Let's get started.

First, you need a strong grip, just like in pull-ups. Many people make the mistake of hanging under the bar with unactivated forearms, struggling to make progress. 

Here's what you should do: 

Practice your grip strength with hanging shoulder shrugs. Add sets of classic chin ups with a band or negatives depending on your level.

  •  Keep your wrists up.
  •  Fully squeeze and engage your fist.
  •  Squeeze your pinkies and indexes.
  •  Extend your arms under the bar.
  •  Position your ears between your shoulders.
  •  Shrug your shoulders to lift yourself over the bar.

In a nutshell: keep your wrists up, maintain a strong grip with...

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Do This To Get Your Back in Great Shape!

Do This To Get Your Back in Great Shape!

Static pull up holds are a great way to stretch and strengthen your back. 

They are a game changer to get better at pull ups!

This exercise consists of holding at 3 levels of the pull up for an extended amount of time:

  • The top of a pull-up (bar to chest, or bar behind the neck)
  • The mid-hold (bar above the head)
  • The dead hang (straight arms)

The mid hold is probably the hardest part of the combo. It requires good shoulder strength and mobility. You can practice assisted lat flies and use a resistance band to build up to it.

This is an overall great combo for building core strength, as well as increasing flexibility. It can also help to improve posture and reduce back pain. 

If you can’t hold behind your neck yet, substitute for a classic chest to bar at the top of the pull up hold.

Aim for 5-10 seconds at each level. Go for 3-5 sets after your pull up workout.

Check out one of my sets here!

Give them a try and see how much...

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