Quick Calisthenics Pull Ups and Push Ups Challenge


Try This Quick Calisthenics Pull Ups and Push Ups Challenge!

I wanted to try a quick calisthenics challenge: do 50 pull ups and 100 push ups, as fast as possible.

It's way more challenging than it sounds.

The hard variable is time. Trying to complete all the repetitions in a short time is where it gets tricky.

Your rest time is minimum and each repetition gets harder as you go.

1- For the pull ups, I split the sets as follow: 10-10-10-5-5-5-5

My time for the pull ups was: 6min 40 sec.

I started pretty good on the first 3 sets of 10, with about 20-30 sec rest in between. Things started getting tough around the last 2 sets of pull ups where I had to struggle my way up.

Here is how to get better at pull ups if you are getting started!

I took about a minute to reset the tripod between pull ups and push ups.

2- For the push ups, I did: 30-25-20-15-10

My total time after the push ups was: 9 min 50 sec.

While the goal was to rest as little as possible, my form started to suffer after my first set of 30 push ups. I tried to keep each rep as good as I could but it was far from perfect.

However, the pump at the end was incredible and the overall challenge very intense. 

Here is how to get better at push ups if you are getting started with calisthenics!

Time is relative and 10 minutes is enough to make a worthy effort.

Next time I'll be focusing on completing the reps with better form while aiming for a better time as well!

Let's keep pushing!

Get ALL my calisthenics programs, nutrition and personal coaching here if you need more guidance!


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