Muscle Growth with Push-Ups

Muscle Growth with Push-Ups

Today, let's dive into one of the most underrated exercises.

Many mistakenly see push-ups as beginner's exercises, since anyone can do a push up.

Or sort of!

But I'm here to challenge that!

Push-ups are not just for beginners; they are, in fact, one of the most frequently butchered exercises out there (with pull ups).

It's time to rethink your approach and discover the muscle-building magic hidden within this seemingly simple movement.

Here the 3 most important types of push ups!

Mindset Shift:
First things first – let's reshape our mindset around push-ups.

Instead of fixating on rep counts, shift your focus to extracting the most from each repetition. Think of it as a full body workout, where your body tenses from head to toe.

Push-ups, when executed with precision, are far from easy. They are an amazing tool for enhancing overall fitness and sculpting the upper body. It's not only about how many you can do; it's about how much you can get from each rep.

Good form: Control the Negative!
One common mistake is neglecting the negative portion of the lift. Many enthusiasts rush through the downward phase (usually with an arched back), eager to rack up more reps.

However, this approach robs you of the full potential of each repetition and may cause injuries in the long run.

Controlling the negative – the descent – is vital for stimulating muscle growth. Slow it down, feel the engagement, and don't cheat yourself out of this crucial phase.

Watch Out for Compensations:
Compensations are sneaky saboteurs that diminish the effectiveness of your push-ups.

Sagging at the hips is a common culprit, reducing the load on the working muscles. Ensure that your body remains in a locked-out position.

Use a constant hollow body core engagement throughout the full range of motion of your push ups!

Don’t let your lower back arch! Don’t flair your elbows out!

Identify these compensations, correct them, and watch as the increased load on your upper body leads to better gains in the long run.

Embrace Full Range of Motion:
You will maximize your gains by moving through a full range of motion. You will also lower your risk of injuries in the process.

Let your chest touch the ground, and ensure your elbows lock out on every single repetition. Use assisted push ups with your knees on the floor to push back up if needed.

More range of motion equals more growth potential. While you don't have to incorporate pause reps, they can be a valuable tool to guarantee that you're maximizing your range of motion with each rep.

Do enough volume!

Last but not least volume is crucial to build muscle in calisthenics.
Go for 50 to 100+ reps minimum when practicing push ups.
Use any variation needed depending on your level but aim for solid volume every time.
However you can also lower volume and mix it with isometric holds throughout your sets.

Here are my favorite calisthenics training patterns.

So the keys to grow muscles with push ups are:

  • Change your mindset and make each push up repetition count
  • Control the negative, watch out for compensations
  • Embrace good forma and full range of motion
  • Do enough volume!

By following these principles, you'll transform your push-ups from a casual exercise to a powerhouse for building muscle.

Get my full calisthenics course and personal calisthenics coaching here!


Calisthenics Training FAQ’s


What is Calisthenics Training?
Calisthenics, rooted in the ancient Greek ideals of "Kalos" (beauty) and "Sthenos" (strength), emphasizes both physical and mental fitness. The modern practice integrates elements of classic calisthenics, acrobatics, gymnastics, yoga, and disciplines like breakdancing and parkour. This versatile, bodyweight training method allows you to train anywhere, anytime, without expensive equipment.

What makes Calisthenics different from traditional fitness?
Traditional gym routines can feel repetitive and lack motivation, often requiring costly memberships with inconsistent results. Calisthenics offers a refreshing alternative. By combining aerobic and anaerobic exercises, you'll burn fat, build lean muscle, and witness impressive strength and skill gains, all while enjoying the freedom of training outdoors or indoors. Plus, calisthenics fosters a supportive community, fueling your long-term commitment to fitness.

I am a beginner, do I need to get in shape before I sign up?
You can start no matter what your current level is! Our Online Calisthenics course is designed for every fitness level. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills, our program guides you in achieving your goals, from gaining strength and mobility to building lean muscle and losing fat.

Can I build muscle with Calisthenics?
Calisthenics is a progressive, functional training discipline that utilizes your own bodyweight for resistance. This evolutive system delivers impressive results, enabling you to shed fat, build strength, and increase mobility and endurance, all while sculpting lean muscle.


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