My Latest Favorite Calisthenics Stretches

My Latest Favorite Calisthenics Stretches!

Everybody that has worked with me knows that training calisthenics hard and often is the only secret to getting results (along with a proper diet, this goes without saying). 

On the other hand this has to be balanced with daily recovery and prehab exercises.

I do them everyday to prepare and recover from my workouts and avoid injuries overall.

So today I'm going to share some my latest favorite stretches with you.

These moves will mainly address your back and shoulders. I recommend spending a few minutes on each in the morning and/or before going to sleep.

Click on the links below to watch each video.

1. Mid back and spine stretch

The stick forces your spine to get straight. Put your arms under the stick and press it against your back gently as you tilt your pelvis up.
Keep your spine alignment clean and rotate sideways a few time.
Then hinge forward keeping the stick firmly stacked against your back. 

2. ...

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3 Shoulder Stretches You Need To Do

3 Shoulder Stretches You Need To Do!

I am 42 and have had chronic instabilities and weaknesses in my right shoulder since I was 20.

This is due to years of tennis over-training in my early days, coupled with the lack of proper prehab and conditioning at the time.

I am a great believer that without good healthy shoulders you can't achieve any proper workout results in the long term, no matter how strong you are.

Calisthenics is a great vehicle for mobility training as it requires to keep all joints at their optimal capacity.

The videos I am sharing here are a game changer. All you need is a wood stick.

Click below to check them out!

  1. Shoulder/deltoid and arm/tricep stretch
  2. Standing external shoulder rotation hold
  3. Front shoulder release

As you know, mobility is key, so practice daily.

Let's go!


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4 Calisthenics Exercises For Bullet Proof Shoulders


4 Calisthenics Exercises For Bullet Proof Shoulders!

The shoulders are one of the most complex joints in the body, and they are a key to your overall strength.

You need strong shoulders for ANY upper body movement.

Calisthenics offers amazing and natural tools to train your shoulders.

So today I am going to show you and explain 4 exercises that will be an overall game changer for your shoulders.

Get my free calisthenics workout program here!

Let's go!

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How To Build Strong And Mobile Shoulders With Calisthenics


How To Build Strong And Mobile Shoulders With Calisthenics!

Strength is often seen as a "two dimensional thing". 

Specially when it comes to shoulder workouts!

People push or press, pull or row, go up or down.

But most of them are missing the rotational motion of the shoulders.

If your shoulders aren't strong and mobile enough fo this, I've got something you have to try.

These are techniques that are not often talked about...

But these are absolute game changers.

Start your own beginner calisthenics workout here!

Let's go!

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How To Increase Hip Mobility With Calisthenics


How To Increase Hip Mobility With Calisthenics!

Have you ever felt tightness in your lower back and hips?

While being very common, the lack of mobility may be holding your progress back. 

So I released a Yogasthenics program to address exactly that.

Yogasthenics is a course that mixes yoga and calisthenics.

This is a great combo to become strong and agile at the same time, so stay tuned for more on that!

In the meantime, let me show you four movements to release your hips and lower back.

This will improve every aspect of your workouts.

Try this great back stretch too!

Let's go!

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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How To Boost Your Strength With Calisthenics!


How To Boost Your Strength With Calisthenics!

Here are 7 tips to boost your strength and get better at calisthenics overall.

In this video, I'll show you how to strengthen essential muscles to increase your mobility and workout results.

Learning detailed techniques and methods is the key to progress. 

Practice these key mobility and strength elements consistently, to see improvement and results.

Implement these tips when you practice any calisthenics movement. Your form will improve and your strength will increase.

Results are a product of technique and consistency.

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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