Improve Your Posture With This Easy Back Stretch

mobility Sep 10, 2023

Improve Your Posture With This Easy Back Stretch

Poor posture is very often related to a weak mid-back.

It can and is commonly combined with other weakness within the back muscle chain.

Use this very easy mid-back  stretch to align your back and say goodbye to any back pain.

Keep your core and pelvis engaged, and breathe thoroughly as you stretch.

Repeat the sequence 3 times.

You can also do this to release your lower back!

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My Favorite Shoulder Stretch

mobility Sep 08, 2023

If you are not stretching your shoulders regularly, chances are they are tight!

As someone who suffered from a chronic shoulder injury, I use this sequence daily to keep my rotator cuffs mobile and healthy.

Here are the details:

  • I like to start with classic shoulder dislocates with a 6 ft. stick. The name sounds crazy but it's actually really good to practice.

  • Then I move on to the "figure 8" stretch to add a bit of complexity to the shoulder rolls.

  • I finally do partial side to side raises as shown as the last exercise in the video.

You can go for 5-10 repetitions of each exercise and repeat the full sequence 3 times for a great shoulder warm up!

If you need further guidance, you can get ALL my calisthenics and mobility programs, as well as personal coaching here!

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The Least Fancy Calisthenics Move With The Most Benefits

mobility workout tips Aug 28, 2023

The Back Bridge Benefits

This might be the least sexy move with the most benefits you’ll see today.

The back bridge and its dynamic variations are an essential tool for overall back mobility and good posture.

It is something I have neglected for a good part of my life. I started to change that when I realized my mid/lower back was my missing link.

I’m still far from the acrobat level but at 43 it’s night and day compared to what I was able to do in my 20’s.

I like doing dynamic knee raises paired with the bridge to work on my motor control when up-side down.

It is surprisingly hard to lift your legs when the body is engaged into an arched position. This requires to re-calibrate how we use our hip muscles in order to lift our legs.

Go for 4-6 reps and repeat for 3 sets. 

You can ideally mix those reps sets with 3 sets of maximum static holds.

If you can't do the full bridge yet, simply start with an elevated version of the bridge, with parallel bars or yoga...

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Fix Rounded Shoulders: Ultimate Guide to Correcting Poor Posture

mobility Aug 14, 2023

Fix Rounded Shoulders: Ultimate Guide to Correcting Poor Posture!

Don't buy into the quick-fix posture solutions you see marketed every day.

Braces, ergonomic chairs, chiropractors; while they might provide temporary relief, they're simply bandaids for deeper issues.

In this guide, I'll show you how to truly fix your rounded shoulders and achieve a stronger, healthier posture through natural primal movement and daily stretching.

1. How Do Rounded Shoulders Develop?

Rounded shoulders are typically the result of prolonged poor posture, often related to sitting at a computer or desk job or extensively using a smartphone or tablet. Essentially, your chest muscles become tight and your back muscles weaken, causing your shoulders to hunch forward.

2. What Are the Health Risks of Rounded Shoulders?

Besides causing a hunched, unhealthy appearance, rounded shoulders can lead to inability to walk or run properly, chronic back and neck pain, headaches, and potentially even thoracic outlet...

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Why You Need To Flex Your Ankles

lower body mobility Jul 21, 2023

Why You Need To Flex Your Ankles!

Flexing your ankles maters.

When you do a squat for example, "flexing your feet up" activates the whole posterior muscle chain in a very active and efficient way. It will help you fire your calves, hamstrings, glutes and back on each repetition.

Here is how to get started on better ankle dorsiflexion 

-Self myofascial release on the foam roller: Roll up and down your calf and Achilles’ tendon for 1 minute. Focus on tender spots for 15-20 sec when you hit some.

-Plantar muscle release: use a PVC or wood stick or ball to roll your feet. Step on it one foot at a time. Roll as needed. 

-Wall knee flexions: start in narrow lunge position with your front toes about 1 inch from the wall and aim to make contact with the wall with your knee while keeping your front heel anchored to the floor. 

If your front heel comes up then move your foot forward a bit and adjust the distance between your toes and the wall. If it feels to...

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3 Calisthenics Exercises To Get Strong and Healthy Shoulders

3 Calisthenics Exercises To Get Strong and Healthy Shoulders!

Today, we're going to dive into an essential topic: building strong shoulders.

Strong shoulders are crucial for overall upper body strength and contribute significantly to your overall body strength. So, let's take some time to discuss the key factors that will help you develop robust and powerful shoulders.

To kick things off, we'll start with a mobility drill called the Shoulder Dislocates with a stick. This drill is designed to improve shoulder mobility and ensure that you can achieve full range of motion. Lack of mobility often restricts people's ability to fully express their shoulder strength, leading to less than satisfactory results. 

For this exercise, all you need is a stick or a broom. Stand straight and hold the stick it front of you with a grip wider than shoulder-width. The goal is to move the stick behind you and as low as possible, while rolling your shoulder blades and engaging your...

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My Favorite Lower Back Calisthenics Release Technique

mobility workout tips Jun 07, 2023

My Favorite Lower Back Calisthenics Release Technique!

Have you heard of the hip flexors?

This is a muscle group that is usually underrated and tight due to excessive sitting and/or lack of stretching.

They are usually never really addressed wether in workout programs or stretching.

So here is a simple yet very effective technique to release your hip flexors.

If you do a good amount of leg, core and lever work (which you should), this will be a game changer habit.

Think about it as "hanging from your hips".

It will also relax the rest of your body, including your lower back, spine and shoulders.

Watch the video here to see the full sequence!

Go for 2 minute rounds (or however long you can hang, and work your way up).

Make sure to breathe steadily through the hold.

Usually 1 round is enough. 

Sometimes 2 rounds with 2-3 minute rest between each round.

Use it as often as needed.

Let's go!


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How To Fix Your Squats With Simple Calisthenics

How To Fix Your Squats With Simple Calisthenics!

Today, we're diving into an important topic: how to fix your squat form. 

The answer is proper ankle mobility!

Often, our ankles lack the flexibility we need for effective squats, which can limit our range of motion and hinder our lower body exercises. 

But don't worry! I've got some simple drills that will increase your ankle mobility and enhance your overall squatting technique.

Let's start with ankle flexions against the wall. 

Stand about an inch or two away from the wall and bend/bring your knee towards it while keeping your heel firmly planted on the floor. Connect with the wall and repeat this movement for each leg. As you progress, gradually step away from the wall, creating more tension and challenging your ankle mobility. 

Do 5-8 reps per leg and hold the last one against the wall for 5-8 seconds.

Next up, we'll perform an assisted version of the previous exercise.

Grab your ankle and heel, firmly...

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How To Get Bullet Proof Shoulders with Calisthenics

The Most Efficient Calisthenics Training Patterns!

The best shoulder exercise that you are (most likely) not doing is the “Skin the cat”.

While this may look fairly easy if you have done this as a kid, the skin the cat is not as simple as it looks. 

Let’s dive into some details and how to perform it properly:

1 - Set a good semi-false grip 1-2 inches wider that shoulder width. The more narrow the harder it gets.

2 - Shrug up and “push the bar” in front of you, while tucking your legs up and under the bar

3 - Once your feet are under the bar, keep your knees tucked in as you start the descent

4 - Control the descent with your shoulders and make sure to go slow

5 - External rotate your shoulders as you start reaching the bottom of the move

6 - Keep your pelvis tilted back the whole time

7 - Hang at the bottom of the move for as long as you can, making sure to point your toes to the ground, your core tight and pelvis still tilted back

8 -...

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Say Goodbye to Mid-Back Pain: Solution For Better Posture

Say Goodbye to Mid-Back Pain: Solution For Better Posture.

Good posture is essential for overall health and well-being.

And Calisthenics is one of the best discipline to work on it!

However, many people tend to overlook the importance of mid-back posture alignment. The mid-back, also known as the thoracic spine, plays a critical role in supporting the upper body and protecting vital organs. 

One of the most common causes of mid-back pain is poor posture.

When we slouch or hunch forward, we put undue stress on our mid-back muscles and ligaments. Over time, this can lead to muscle fatigue, strain, and pain. Improper posture can also affect our breathing, causing shallow breathing, chest tightness, and other respiratory problems.

A weak mid-back area will also lead to poor training results in the long run.

So here are some tips for improving mid-back posture alignment:

1. Sit up straight: When sitting, make sure to keep...

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