How To Get Strong Wrists and Boost Your Calisthenics Workouts

upper body workout tips Jun 21, 2023

How To Get Strong Wrists and Boost Your Calisthenics Workouts!

These tips often go unnoticed and are often neglected by many individuals, which unfortunately hinders their results.

By incorporating these tips into your calisthenics routine, you can maximize your potential and achieve better outcomes. 

Let's begin with wrists warm up stretches.

Whether you're performing pulling exercises, pushing movements, or lifting dumbbells, your wrist and grip strength play a significant role in your overall strength. It enables you to achieve a maximum range of motion and maintain proper form during exercises. To enhance your wrist strength, here are four essential wrist stretches that you can perform before any workout.

The first stretch involves placing your hands in a straightforward position, similar to the position you would assume during a push-up. Stay on your knees, keep your fingers and thumbs spread apart, roll around your wrists, maintain forward-facing elbows, and keep your...

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Best Calisthenics Movements To Unleash Strength and Mass Gains

The Best Calisthenics Movements To Boost Strength and Mass!

Today, we're going to discuss four of the best movements to build strength and mass through calisthenics and bodyweight training.

With just a few adjustments to your foundational movements, you can take your training to the next level and achieve incredible strength gains.

Consistency is key when performing these movements, so let's dive right in.

Let's start with wide pull-ups. 

The pull-up is already a highly effective exercise for building strength, but by making a simple adjustment and widening your grip, you open up new possibilities for enhancing your strength, technique, and overall abilities. This adjustment places greater emphasis on your lat muscles, allowing them to grow and become stronger. By incorporating wide pull-ups into your routine, you'll notice improvements not only in your pull-up game but also in other exercises like muscle-ups, the human flag, handstands, and overhead presses. I highly...

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The Workout You Need To Start 2023!

The Workout You Need To Start 2023! 

This 400 reps workout is the perfect way to start the year:

I completed it in less than 60 min.

Use a wide grip for chin ups if you are advanced otherwise, substitute with classic chin ups grip width.

You can break down and mix (pull ups/chin ups) the pull ups amount per set as you go. Same goes with the knee raises and shoulder extensions. Start with the longer sets you can and reduce as you get fatigued. Make sure to keep a good pace.

You can take as long as you want, but try to make it 60 minutes. Use any variation needed (example: using a resistance band for pull ups or substituting with Australian rows).

Make sure to warm up properly, as usual! And put a special focus on your shoulders and wrists!...

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The Best Dips To Hit Your Chest

The Best Dips To Hit Your Chest!

Today I just want to share the absolute best way to hit your chest with calisthenics dips.

This dips variation hits EVERY PART of your upper body and MAXIMUM tension on the negative phase.

It's a classic gymnast move variation that looks easy but is actually advanced.

You must control the descent and keep your core in a hollow body position during the movement.

Don't compensate the descent with poor form.

Go for sets of 3's if you are getting started with that variation.

Click here to watch the video!


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My Favorite Calisthenics Superset!

My Favorite Calisthenics Superset!

It's busy season, so last week I shared my Vegas trip and how I managed to workout "on the go".

These days, I don't always have time to get the perfect workout.

That's when I like to use my favorite calisthenics superset: muscle up - dips - pull ups - core.

You can build up the reps as you want. I like the following splits:

  • Ladder sets: 1 Muscle up/10 Dips /5 Pull ups, 2 Muscle Ups, 10 Dips...Up to 5 Muscle ups
  • Straight sets: 3 Muscle up/5 Dips/5 Pull ups/5 sec Lsit x 5 sets

Keep your form as clean as possible on each rep.

Click here to watch one of my sets!


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3 Calisthenics Things You Should Be Able To Do

3 Calisthenics Things You Should Be Able To Do!

The standard goals, for anyone who takes calisthenics training seriously, is to be able to perform as follow:

  • 1+ clean muscle up
  • 20+ clean pull ups
  • 40+ clean push ups

The Muscle Up

This move is calisthenics in a nutshell. It requires lots of skills and strength to achieve.

So performing this movement with clean form will prove a few things: you have great pulling strength, mobile and strong shoulders, great pelvic strength and overall proprioceptive skills.

Pull Ups

Pull ups are the staple calisthenics exercise. This is where it all starts. Everyone should be a master at pull ups.

Anyone who can achieve 20+ clean pull ups shows great athleticism.

This requires endurance, full back and grip strength, core strength, shoulder mobility, and coordination.

Make it your standard.

Push ups 

The humble push up is the most popular fitness movement in the world. Everyone has done them at least once in their lives.

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This Calisthenics Back Workout Is A Game Changer


This Calisthenics Back Workout Is A Game Changer!

A strong back is the foundation of fitness.

It governs something as important as your spine.

Calisthenics ring work is an amazing way to target your back and build great strength.

In today's video, I will show you 3 ring exercises that will be a game changer for your back workouts!

Note that you can also use a parallel bar and a pull up bar as a replacement if you don't have access to calisthenics rings.

Here is how to become an expert at pull up!

Let's go!

Get online calisthenics personal coaching here!

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Get Bullet Proof Abs And Shoulders


Get Bullet Proof Abs And Shoulders!

Getting strong shoulders and abs is a big deal!

Not only it makes people feel strong and confident, but it is also a crucial part of your overall strength and posture.

ALL upper body movements rely on strong shoulders and abs.

So in this video, I am going to show you 3 exercises to get bullet proof shoulders and abs.

These are intermediate-advanced movements so don't worry if you feel these are challenging because they are!

Here are 4 other calisthenics exercises for bullet proof shoulders!

Let's go!

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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Get A Strong Lower Back With These 3 Calisthenics Exercises!


Get A Strong Lower Back With These 3 Calisthenics Exercises!

If you work at a desk all day, spend a lot of time driving or don't focus on it specifically, your lower back will be grateful for today's video.

I will be covering and explaining 3 movements that are great a making the lower back area stronger and less prone to chronic pain.

There is a movement for each level: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Overall, focus on prioritizing your back muscles when you workout!

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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Calisthenics Workout To Train Your Back And Abs At The Same Time!


Calisthenics Workout To Train Your Back And Abs At The Same Time!

The beauty of calisthenics is that we can train multiple muscle groups at the same time.

In today's video I'm going to show you 3 intermediate exercises that are great to build a solid back along with strong abs.

These exercises will also help you improve your static skills.

Wether it's a front or back lever, human or dragon flag, and many other moves, they will all benefit from practicing these 3 exercises.

Here are also 3 calisthenics exercises to get better at front lever!

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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