Your Guide to Mastering Squats: Calisthenics Leg Workout


Your Guide to Mastering Squats: Calisthenics Leg Workout

Squats are the undisputed king of lower body exercises.

They build strength, improve mobility, and sculpt those quads and glutes. But don't be fooled by their simplicity. Squats can be challenging, especially for beginners.

If you've ever struggled to achieve proper squat form or felt discouraged by limited depth, you're not alone.

However, mastering the squat is an investment in your calisthenics training. Strong legs are the foundation for for a healthy body. The good news is, with dedication and the right progression, anyone can unlock the power of the squat.

Building Your Squat Foundation:
This guide outlines a step-by-step approach to mastering squats, incorporating progressions that cater to different fitness levels. Remember, consistency is key. Aim for 3 sessions per week. Start on Monday and don’t rest more than 2 days in a row.

Step 1: Assess and Improve Your Mobility

Before diving into full squats, it's crucial...

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Simple Calisthenics Routine For Chest and Back!


Simple Calisthenics Routine For Chest and Back!

Fitness does not have to be complicated!

Whatever the day is, you should never make excuses for not training.

It does not have to be a 2 hour calisthenics training session everyday.

Here is one of my favorite calisthenics set that will give you a great chest and back pump, in a short amount of time.

1. We start with the pull over

This is a great move to combine pulling and pushing within the same movement.

It's also a great and safe alternative to the muscle up to get over the bar, if you can't do muscle ups yet!

Do 1-3 muscle ups per set.

2. Single Bar Dips

Great triceps and chest calisthenics exercise. The main difference with classic dips is that you are relying on only one bar, giving you less balance, hence requiring more core activation and overall control through the movement.

Do 5-10 dips per set.

3. Lat flies

  • This is a calisthenics training exercise you may not be familiar with, although it's a staple for shoulder health and...
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I Fasted For 24 hours, Here is What I learned


I Fasted For 24 hours, Here is What I learned!

In our fast-paced world, the concept of "fasting" might seem counterintuitive.

We're constantly bombarded with messages about the importance of "fueling our bodies" and consuming regular meals.

However, studies show that fasting can offer a wide range of health benefits.

What is 24-Hour Fasting?
Unlike traditional calorie restriction diets, 24-hour fasting involves abstaining from all food and calorie-containing beverages (excluding water, black coffee, and unsweetened tea) for a 24-hour window. This window can be adjusted to fit your schedule, starting with your last meal one day and ending with your first meal the next day. After completing the 24-hour fast, you can resume your regular healthy eating habits.

Benefits of 24-Hour Fasting:

1. Enhanced Cellular Repair: During a 24-hour fast, the body shifts its focus from digestion to cellular repair processes. This can lead to increased autophagy, a cellular housekeeping mechanism that...

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Calisthenics Home Push Day!


Calisthenics Home Push Day!

The rain is a good excuse to do push ups at home!

Since calisthenics training is the most accessible and versatile form of training, it's a great way to get your workout at home when it's raining heavy outside.

Mix these 5 push ups to target different chest and core angles through your workout!

-Wall pike
-Reverse grip chest to floor
-Classic chest to floor
-Shoulder & Knee taps
-Pike shrugs

Aim for explosive reps and clean form!

Get my full calisthenics training course and programs + personal coaching here!


Calisthenics Training FAQ’s


What is Calisthenics Training?
Calisthenics, rooted in the ancient Greek ideals of "Kalos" (beauty) and "Sthenos" (strength), emphasizes both physical and mental fitness. The modern practice integrates elements of classic calisthenics, acrobatics, gymnastics, yoga, and disciplines like breakdancing and parkour. This versatile, bodyweight training method...

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Unlock Your Legs with Calisthenics!


Unlock Your Legs with Calisthenics!

Your legs are what gets you places, so make sure to keep them functional for as long as you can!

Lower body mobility is a crucial health element to live a long and thriving life.

This means we have to keep our feet, toes, ankles, knees and hips very active and flexible.

Any weak link in that chain can limit your fitness progress and/or cause chronic pain at some point in time!

Weak feet and ankles are often the cause of knees and hip pain or mobility issues.

Use this 4 movement leg mobility workout to build strong and resilient joints and connective tissue:

  • Partial Sissy Toe Squats (ups and downs): 30 sec x 3 sets
  • Single Knee Get Up: 20 sec per leg x 3 sets
  • Standing Leg compression + extensions: 30 sec per leg x 3 sets

Here is an easier routine you can use if you are a beginner or just getting start with calisthenics.

Get my full calisthenics training course and personal coaching here!


Calisthenics Training...

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Unlock Your Shoulders With Calisthenics!


Shoulders are the foundations of a healthy and functional upper body.

In other words, tight and weak shoulders with limited range of motion will always impair and limit your fitness progress.

They also impact your hip strength since they connect through your spine.

So we must move and strengthen them consistently.

Use this intermediate-advanced calisthenics workout to build bullet proof shoulders.

You can watch the video here.

Here are the details:

  • Skin the cat
    2-3 full reps (back and forth) x 5 sets
  • Skin the cat pike pulls
    3 x 3 sets
  • Scapula adduction + abduction
    3-5 reps (mix both) x 3 sets
  • Shrug push ups
    10 x 3 sets
  • Back bridge
    3 x max hold

If you are a beginner and just getting started, you can start with this beginner shoulder exercise, instead of skin the cat!

Do this at least once a week!

For more, get my full calisthenics course and personal coaching here!


Calisthenics Training FAQ’s


What is Calisthenics...

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What is Being Fit?


What is Being Fit?

Forget the misconception that "fit" just means bulked-up muscles.

While crucial, muscle mass is just one piece of the puzzle.

True fitness is a holistic balance, incorporating:

  • Natural-optimal muscle mass (achieved through balanced calisthenics training and proper nutrition)
  • Mobility & flexibility (enhanced through consistent stretching and mobility routines)
  • Agility & endurance (developed through diverse activities like running, calisthenics, and other movements)
  • Fast recovery speed (supported by good sleep, nutrition, and dedicated calisthenics training)
  • Pain-free movement (a crucial indicator of overall well-being, which calisthenics training can help maintain)
  • Quality sleep (essential for all aspects of health, achievable through healthy habits and potentially aided by calming routines like the one mentioned)

Want specific goals? Here's the calisthenics twist:

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How to Start Calisthenics: Push Ups


How to Start Calisthenics!

5 Steps to Push Ups.

The humble push up is one of the foundation of calisthenics.

It is the most universal training movement around the world.

However, a LOT of people do them wrong or can't do them at all!

Just like for any other calisthenics training movements, there is a good progression to work towards good technique and full range of motion.

Follow these 5 steps to achieve your first push up:

  1. Standing Push ups (use a wall if you don't have a low bar)
  2. Elevated Knee Push ups
  3. Elevated Push ups
  4. Knee Push ups
  5. Full Push ups

Training Tips:

  • You can add planks and shrug push ups to the mix as well!
  • Use the variation you can do.
  • Do 5-10 repetitions x 3-5 sets.
  • Once you master a variation, move on to the next one.
  • The key is CONSISTENCY.
  • To insure constant progress, focus on incorporating the calisthenics "Big 5" in your overall calisthenics training routine: pull, push, dips, squats, hinges

Start at the level that works for you with my full calisthenics...

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How to Start Calisthenics: 7 Steps To Pull Ups


How to Start Calisthenics: Pull ups

7 Steps To Pull Ups

Pull ups are part of the Calisthenics "Big 5": Pull ups, push ups, dips, squats, hinges.

Pull ups are the king of upper body movements, a challenge for everyone, even when you are good at it.

If you are getting started on your calisthenics training journey, here are 7 steps to achieve your first pull up:

  1. Standing pull ups
  2. Australian pull ups
  3. Deadhang
  4. Hanging shrugs
  5. Negative jump pull ups
  6. Band assisted pull ups
  7. Full Pull ups

Key pointers:

  • Start with the movement you can currently do and implement it in your workouts.
  • Do 5-10+ reps x 3-5 sets until you get good at that movement.
  • Then continue your way up with the next harder variation and do the same.
  • Follow that process until you reach the full pull up.
  • Make sure to also work on your push ups and legs during your sessions!
  • The key is: CONSISTENCY.

Get day by day, calisthenics training programs and personal coaching here!


Calisthenics Training...

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Advanced Calisthenics Ab Workout: Push Your Limits, Master New Moves


Advanced Calisthenics Ab Workout.

Push Your Limits, Master New Moves!

Your core muscle group is at the foundation of all movements.

Indeed it’s role is not just to showcase a “six pack” but also to promote healthy hips, lower back, compression skills, good overall posture and more!

You are using your core all the time, whether you walk, run, climb, train or do any other sport.

So let’s dive into the most efficient way to train it: lifting your legs off the ground!

In this video I am doing advanced toes to bar.

There are also many other variations to start with!

You can also do that while sitting on the floor or using the support of 2 chairs if you are just getting started.

Go for 5-20 repetitions (depending on the difficulty of the exercise you pick) x 3-5 sets.

For more ab workout ideas, check out my 10 best...

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