The Secret To Be Good At Pull Ups


The Secret To Be Good At Pull Ups!

Let's talk about the secret to get good at pull ups: the "false" grip.

Many people want to do pull ups but their grip strength gives up after a few repetitions.

Keep in mind that your grip is one of the most important component of strength, and being able to hold a bar with a "false grip" will dramatically improve the quality of all your movements.

This will increase your pull ups, muscle ups, as well as push ups, handstands and more.

The "False" grip generates a lot of contraction in the forearms and forces us to use more of our forearm extensors, while these are usually under trained with a "classic" grip.

You will find 3 different levels of training for your false grip:

  • Beginner: 0'
  • Intermediate: 2'58
  • Advanced: 6'13

Practice at the level that suits you, and work your way up progressively!

Here is how to make your own beginner-intermediate calisthenics workout plan!

Have a good workout!

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How To Get A Great Calisthenics Warm Up In 10 Minutes


How To Get A Great Calisthenics Warm Up In 10 Minutes!

Let's focus on how to get a full calisthenics warm up in 10 minutes.

We all need to warm up our muscles, but also joints and soft tissues, before working out.

Sometimes people miss out on that part.

In this video I show and explain the main movements you can use, before any workout, to get a complete warm up in 10 minutes.

I personally also use the wrists and forearms stretches every night before I go to sleep. It is a great natural relaxing technique.

I highly recommend it!

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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The 6 Calisthenics Movements Everyone Should Master


The 6 Calisthenics Movements Everyone Should Master!

Here are the 6 moves everyone should master, to get the best results with their calisthenics workout.

1/ Pull Ups

2/ Push Ups

3/ Dips

4/ Squats

5/ Leg raises

6/ Hollow Body

Watch the video to dive into the details about what is important, and how to perform each movement.

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My Selection Of The Best Calisthenics Equipment


My Selection Of The Best Calisthenics Equipment!

The question I often hear is: what equipment do I need for calisthenics?

The basic answer is: none.

Indeed, nature and the urban environment provide all the equipment and apparatus needed for a good workout. 

The beauty of calisthenics is that there is always a way to workout your entire body, no matter where you are.

That being said, you can also take your training to the next level and learn many other movements, with very little and affordable equipment.

Click here to read more.


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The Best Calisthenics Core Workout You Are Not Doing


The Best Calisthenics Core Workout You Are Not Doing!

One of the best hidden calisthenics workout secrets to build strong abs: narrow squats.

No equipment needed!

Combine those with an efficient warm up and deep #core exercises, to build some solid calisthenics foundations:

-Knee raises

-Butt Kicks

-Pogo Jumps

-Narrow squats

-Donkey Kicks

-Mountains Climbers

-Superman & Scorpio flow

-Dynamic side planks

-Windshield wipers

-Static leg holds

Focus on the best form you can perform for each rep of each set. Start with 3 sets of each if you are just beginning your journey.

Increase the volume as you progress weeks after weeks.

This will challenge most body parts and hit many different angles.

Add the required volume for a killer session!

Transform you body with calisthenics. Here is how to make your own beginner calisthenics workout program!

Get in the best shape of your life!

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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From Working as a Business Consultant to Full-Time Fitness Nerd!

online calisthenics Feb 08, 2021

From Working as a Business Consultant to Full-Time Fitness Nerd!

As a professional Calisthenics trainer for athletes and people like you, I previously founded Street Workout Academy in Los Angeles.

I have then created to help the world learn calisthenics and get fit the natural and healthy way.

In this video we talk about my journey from living in France, working for the big man as a business consultant to full-time fitness nerd.

I have trained with some of the most vital underground street workout professionals.

Stay until the end as we provide practical applications in starting your journey just using your body and eating wholesome food.

Enjoy! If you are enjoying the show, please leave a rating and a review!




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How To Improve Your Squats

The short answer is: better ankle mobility.

I highly recommend to get some video footage of your training sessions with your phone, when you have a chance. Not for Instagram, but to help you picture your movement while you are performing it.

It's actually how pro athletes train, with more cameras. Attention to details will increase your results. It is simple and does wonders to your workouts and progress over time.

You can take a few 10-15 sec highlight snippets, of any movement, to check your form, and see where you can make progress, then adjust your form next time you train. 

Here is the latest video I posted on our channel to improve something very important: ankle mobility. 

This will make your legs more mobile and improve your squat!

Watch it here. 

Have a good squat session later!

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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Real Calisthenics Transformations!

Real Calisthenics Before and After Transformations!

I did the math...and it works. I had NEVER (until now) posted before/after pictures of any of my clients.

BUT I came to the realization that the market makes it a BIG DEAL, in the days of 5 SECOND maximum attention. 

IF you don't have those pictures, as a fitness professional, people just scroll through your content and give you a pass. 

I even ran ads with the before/after ALONG other types of ads. You would have guessed than the before/after does better. 

HERE are 3 different TRANSFORMATIONS, from people using the Online Calisthenics method: holistic wellness mindset, bodyweight training only, no equipment, no supplements.

I just used photos sent to me voluntarily (without my asking) by 2 different clients who have transformed their lives and bodies with the Online Calisthenics method.  

Since I always lead by example, I included my own calisthenics before and after transformation as well.


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The 6 Most Important Calisthenics Exercises For Beginners

The 6 Most Important Calisthenics Exercises For Beginners!

Calisthenics, like a martial art, comes down to practicing and mastering essential movements, that will later translate into more advanced and fun skills.

We all start as a beginner, so I made a video to show you and explain the 6 most important movements to practice, if you can't do a full pull up, dip or push up yet.

You will learn about the foundations to build proper form for the following moves:

1 - Australian Rows (or inverted rows)

2 - Superman & Scorpio Holds

3 - Knee Push Ups

4 - Box Dips

5 - Box Squats

6 - Core Leg Flutters

You will have access to all the details and important adjustments to make, to get the best out of your workouts.

Give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you find this helpful!

Click here to watch the video.

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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