While motivation is the golden ticket that everyone is looking for, the hard truth is that it does not exist.
So you can keep searching, but you are wasting your time.
Instead, look for inspiration!
This can come from anywhere: watching your favorite athlete train or play a game, observing animals and insects move with perfection, learning more about your favorite sport or workout system etc...
Pro athletes don't need motivation, healthy and fit people neither.
Their common treat is discipline. And ANYONE can build up to it.
Neuroscience shows that discipline creates motivation, not the other way around.
"Doing the thing" (discipline) will always beat "thinking about the thing" (motivation).
If you are brushing your teeth every day, it means you can build the habit of working out every day.
If you are a beginner, start at your own level, where you make every minute of your workout count and push a...
This a rather advanced movement which goal is to control your mid-back extension through the shoulder blade shrug pull.
So do not attempt if you are a beginner or lack proper back strength and mobility.
You have to guide the whole movement through your glutes, core, mid-back and shoulder blades.
Make sure to externally rotate your shoulders, by trying to "bend the bar" as you pull.
Performing this move requires good back-core strength, and overhead mobility foundations!
This exercise is also great improve front and back lever control.
Here is another exercise you can do to get a better front lever and overall back strength!
Advanced is when you can do 15-20+ pull ups, 50+ push ups, 25+ dips, 100+ squats.
Adding weight to your sets and reps will help increase your muscle mass and overall strength level.
I did not plan this workout but ended up doing the heaviest pull up I've ever tried.
Life can be unpredictable!
Here are the pull ups sets I did:
And here are 3 ways you can design your weighted calisthenics workout sets:
- Progressive overload: increase the weight as you go and decrease the amount reps as needed.
- Ladder training: Starting as heavy as you can with low reps and lower the weight as you increase reps.
- Pyramid training: start with high reps low weight, then increase weight with lower reps then go back up to higher reps...
You have to grind for growth.
But here is how you can save time with fewer reps and harder sets, on days where your schedule gets in the way: add partial reps and/or isometric holds between each repetition you do.
In this video, I’m only doing 2 pull ups, but each way up and down was a good challenge.
Aim for 10 sets reps total, depending on your level, for a good back and core workout.
Here is also how to make your push ups harder!
You can use that method with any movement you want.
Get ALL my calisthenics workout programs and personal coaching here!
Those days come in cycle. Here is another tip I use when that happens.
I believe we create our own energy, and that it’s up to us to make the best of what we have.
The way I deal with lower energy days is by reducing the overall amount of reps I do during a workout, and focus on intensity exclusively.
I mean that I try to not let my "low energy feeling" days keep away from doing some type of explosive work along the way.
I'll reduce the volume and pair it with some lighter work.
In this last muscle up set I did, I did not have the gas for more that 3 proper reps.
So I focused on what I was able to do. I added straight bar dips reps and partial pulling reps as well as isometric holds to make the set as demanding as possible.
To recap here is a set you can repeat 3-10 times:
You can also mix this superset with other supersets. This method applies to any movement or set.
The Secret To Better Handstands?
The handstand is a journey!
No matter what your current level is, there is always something to learn and improve.
This video is great for handstand beginners and intermediate level.
Do the following exercises to improve your handstand:
- Shoulder mobility drills (overhead and lateral) x 1 min x 3 sets
- Tuck jumps x 5 x 3-5 sets
- Clean pike lean and hold x 10-15 sec x 3-5 sets
- Donkey kicks x 5 x 3-5 sets
Make sure to warm up your wrists thoroughly before each handstand session and do NOT over train it if you feel your wrists getting tender or sore.
Switch to another body part to finish your training session, rest your wrists for 1-2 days and go at it again!
Here are more handstand exercises you can do to take your hand balance to the next level!
Get ALL my calisthenics workout programs and personal coaching here for more guidance!
The mighty muscle up!
Watch the progression video until the end!
He started at the very beginning, with the Online Calisthenics Level 0 workout program, and has made so much progress in 2 years.
He went from a complete beginner that could barely do 3 mediocre pull ups to achieve the all mighty muscle up, with very decent form, in 2 years!
Let's note that in the meantime, he also torn his ACL and meniscus playing soccer and we went through a few month of rehab training in 2022.
The key is to visualize your big goal and set every small steps that will lead you there.
Then stick to the plan, consistently.
Achieve ALL your calisthenics goals like Antal and get coaching here!
Pull ups are a staple calisthenics skill to master, before moving up to harder moves.
I started training Danielle less than 3 months ago.
She could then do almost 3 pull ups. She can now do 8 pull ups!
The initial goal was simple: get better at pull ups.
We set a goal to reach 10 by the end of the year. I think she can even get to 12.
Here is what we did during the last 3 months to more than double her pull ups:
I have heard it all:
The good thing is that none of this matters.
You, we, as humans, were designed as the ultimate, most efficient, bi-pedestrian mammal on earth.
Your prime set of motions and skills are: walking, running, climbing, adapting.
Remember that this is coded in your DNA.
Running is part of you.
Wether you like it or not!
Running is first thing kids do the second they can! They want to run around. You most likely wanted to run around too, and someday you stopped!
And I am writing this article for you to change that! Or if you are already running to congratulate you!
We need to be comfortable moving our arms in any direction. The one direction that very often causes problems is the overhead motion.
So here are 3 ways to move your arms overhead:
For any of these moves, you need to keep your pelvis tilted back, your abs engaged and your ribs tucked in.
Do NOT let your back arch when raising your arms up! This is KEY.
Repeat this sequence 3 times per day!
Here are more shoulders and back stretches that you can add to your posture routine!
Get ALL my calisthenics, mobility, nutrition and coaching program here when you need more guidance.
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